Empower Your Eyes and Ears to Tune Into What Works Best in Your World of Daily Events

***Anytime you wish to do something for your betterment, keep it to yourself, that's until your concept is fully realized or you have a plan in motion. I wish that I could say that people, friends and family are always wanting the best outcome for us, as well as for themselves, but I would be remiss if I made such a blanket statement.

Learning to rely on your own opinion and listening to yourself is more important these days than anything else. It's okay to get opinions, from others, in off-handed events, though going to another for approval, counsel or inclusion is a bad decision. Be empowered MORE by what your heart feels is correct, done in justice, or with what resonates with your individual way of thinking and achieving your goals.

Goals are individual. And while goals are individual, let's also know that UNLESS you are depriving another person of their rights, or of their right to decide what to do with their own property, or as long as you aren't committing a crime, you have the right to do whatever you wish. Nobody has the right to steal from another or to exploit property for unjust enrichment, especially if you are not the owner of origin,if it NEVER belonged to you. With all of those disclaimers disclosed, I want you to know that you are empowered to do whatever it is that makes you happy! Seeking improvement or betterment of oneself is best accomplished by acknowledging or recognizing that you deserve to experience or attain your desires.

Betterment of oneself is analyzing your past actions and focusing your intention to begin, continue or to cease doing what you are doing, especially it is not bringing you the results that you seek. If for example you really like writing and doing some reading, but you are a lousy writer who struggles with grammar, punctuation and sentence structure, yet you don't want to hire an editor, then I suggest you find another field of choice. Another example: Say you enjoy singing and get inspired by the sounds of nature, put some lyrics together, start writing songs, and be assured that one day you will be happy and content with your accomplishment.

Be supportive of your own inborn joys and talents. If your effort needs fixing, correcting or review, then if you can't do that, hire someone to do the finishing touches, of your project, for you. Empower yourself to be in tune with what works best for you!

Car mechanics are very shrewd people and have an amazing way of listening to automobile sounds and are readily able to assess a car's condition. Like a medical physician would do, they are able to tune into a car's problem(s) by listening to the car. Mechanics are readily listening to the cars' normal sounds, sounds coming from moving missing or worn-out parts, or clanking noises coming from the engine. I call mechanics car doctors, they simply are outstanding and empowered by their perception and insight. Auto technicians are experts at fixing or repairing parts and engines, attained over many repairs or many years of experience. Empowered by practicing their trade,memorizing past sounds and recalling situations when an automobile was/ wasn't operating correctly. Empower your eyes and ears to tune into what works best in your world of daily events.

I could readily name so many industries that empower their employees to use their senses to fix problems, or to be of service. Sales people, of any industry, are competent and knowledgeable about the goods and services that they sell. They are empowered to educate consumers, patrons or large corporations to make the proper selection between what one competitor offers, distinguishing the difference, between one company's quality, product or service over others.

People are drawn to other empowering people, so feel empowered by your knowledge or wisdom! The more you share your light of joy or wisdom with others, the more you empower another to share their acknowledgement, support, or appreciation back to you! It's called the circle of empowerment- May the empowerment of kind acts, or deeds circle back to you, in as much effort, as you released to the world around you! May you reap the product of your deeds in the same or greater measure! Any worthwhile empowered, kind, loving heartfelt act, attracts the same kindness back to the source!~

I enjoy learning from you and from others continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~
***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**

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