Empower Your Eyes and Ears to Tune Into What Works Best in Your World of Daily Events

***Anytime you wish to do something for your betterment, keep it to yourself, that's until your concept is fully realized or you have a plan in motion. I wish that I could say that people, friends and family are always wanting the best outcome for us, as well as for themselves, but I would be remiss if I made such a blanket statement.

Learning to rely on your own opinion and listening to yourself is more important these days than anything else. It's okay to get opinions, from others, in off-handed events, though going to another for approval, counsel or inclusion is a bad decision. Be empowered MORE by what your heart feels is correct, done in justice, or with what resonates with your individual way of thinking and achieving your goals.

Goals are individual. And while goals are individual, let's also know that UNLESS you are depriving another person of their rights, or of their right to decide what to do with their own property, or as long as you aren't committing a crime, you have the right to do whatever you wish. Nobody has the right to steal from another or to exploit property for unjust enrichment, especially if you are not the owner of origin,if it NEVER belonged to you. With all of those disclaimers disclosed, I want you to know that you are empowered to do whatever it is that makes you happy! Seeking improvement or betterment of oneself is best accomplished by acknowledging or recognizing that you deserve to experience or attain your desires.

Betterment of oneself is analyzing your past actions and focusing your intention to begin, continue or to cease doing what you are doing, especially it is not bringing you the results that you seek. If for example you really like writing and doing some reading, but you are a lousy writer who struggles with grammar, punctuation and sentence structure, yet you don't want to hire an editor, then I suggest you find another field of choice. Another example: Say you enjoy singing and get inspired by the sounds of nature, put some lyrics together, start writing songs, and be assured that one day you will be happy and content with your accomplishment.

Be supportive of your own inborn joys and talents. If your effort needs fixing, correcting or review, then if you can't do that, hire someone to do the finishing touches, of your project, for you. Empower yourself to be in tune with what works best for you!

Car mechanics are very shrewd people and have an amazing way of listening to automobile sounds and are readily able to assess a car's condition. Like a medical physician would do, they are able to tune into a car's problem(s) by listening to the car. Mechanics are readily listening to the cars' normal sounds, sounds coming from moving missing or worn-out parts, or clanking noises coming from the engine. I call mechanics car doctors, they simply are outstanding and empowered by their perception and insight. Auto technicians are experts at fixing or repairing parts and engines, attained over many repairs or many years of experience. Empowered by practicing their trade,memorizing past sounds and recalling situations when an automobile was/ wasn't operating correctly. Empower your eyes and ears to tune into what works best in your world of daily events.

I could readily name so many industries that empower their employees to use their senses to fix problems, or to be of service. Sales people, of any industry, are competent and knowledgeable about the goods and services that they sell. They are empowered to educate consumers, patrons or large corporations to make the proper selection between what one competitor offers, distinguishing the difference, between one company's quality, product or service over others.

People are drawn to other empowering people, so feel empowered by your knowledge or wisdom! The more you share your light of joy or wisdom with others, the more you empower another to share their acknowledgement, support, or appreciation back to you! It's called the circle of empowerment- May the empowerment of kind acts, or deeds circle back to you, in as much effort, as you released to the world around you! May you reap the product of your deeds in the same or greater measure! Any worthwhile empowered, kind, loving heartfelt act, attracts the same kindness back to the source!~

I enjoy learning from you and from others continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~
***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**

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Making Room for the New - Creating a Vacuum Is the Number One Rule in the Universe

Recently, a friend of mine said, I have learned "you have got to get rid of the old in order to make room for the new." If we all realized just how poignantly true this statement is, we could easily and effortlessly claim our good.

Creating a vacuum is the number one rule in the universe. Often, we cling to old, worn-out things because we are afraid to embrace the new and often unknown. Creating a vacuum applies to all areas of our lives. This has to be done frequently throughout our life. First, start with areas that seem insignificant. Clean out your car, your desk drawers, your closets and all the physical crooks and crannies in your surroundings. Don't forget the trunk of your car as well as your wallets and
handbags. After you have thoroughly cleaned out these areas donate, throw away, or give away the items that no longer suit you. There are a few guidelines to remember. Anything that makes you: a) feel poor or unworthy, b) has not been used in a year, c) will never be used again, d) makes you feel sad, must be discarded. The emotional attachment, as well as any financial concerns regarding these items, must be released and forgotten. Starting with these areas will result in some immediate improvements in your life. Be honest with yourself. If you feel at all anxious during this process, here is a prayer that may help:

I freely and fully release all worn-out things, conditions, and people who are no longer for my highest good. I freely and fully release them to their highest good and my highest good comes to me with speed, ease, and wisdom.

For some, this will be an easy process, however, for many, it will not be. Just remind yourself that nature abhors a vacuum and is busy creating the appropriate items to replace the ones that no longer suit you. Now the real work begins.

You will also have to take the next step if you are seeking permanent change. You must decide to concentrate on "healing" you. This means you will have to take a break from "fixing" the people around you. Letting others be is a difficult task, but somehow I think they will survive.

You begin this tedious process by discarding relationships, not for your highest good; releasing past hurts and feelings; severing emotional attachments to old lovers; forgiving painful events in the past and casting off old ideas.

All these things, as well as possessions that have outlived their usefulness, block the flow of good in the universe. Dwelling on past events of your life will guarantee that you will continue to relive these experiences. Old feelings and hurts will be cast into all new relationships, causing them to end in the same way. When relationships end, remember the heart is not broken. This is only a signal that it is time to continue your journey on another level. Carry with you only the good, the love you shared. Allow all else to fade into nothingness, for that is truly what it is.

If you are having difficulty determining if your current relationships are toxic, ask yourself if the relationships are abusive in anyway, i.e., physically, emotionally or financially. If the answer is yes, then you have some arduous decisions to make. When we become entangled in toxic relationships (personal, physical, family or professional), our growth is stunted. We try to heal the others, forgetting that the only person we can truly heal is our self. By becoming fully committed to our healing, we will be able to let go of these relationships. Once you have freed yourself, you can begin to grow and your life will be bombarded with miracles. I will not promise this will be easy. Because this is a very difficult step, it will be one of the most rewarding.

Spirit has promised to not fail or forsake us. This applies to all areas of our lives. After you have completed the task and created a vacuum, Spirit will rush in and fill the empty places with wonderful people and delightful things. So do not panic if it looks like you are all alone and do not have a thing to wear.

Remember, life is too short to drink cheap champagne. Dream Big! Live the life you have imagined.

Stephanie, a Success Mindset Mentor & Transformational Specialist, has the uncanny ability to help others break through toxic emotions and heal the residue left from traumatic experiences that are causing them to sabotage their success. She has an insatiable appetite for helping others achieve the impossible. She lives her inspiration as the founder of The Champagne Connection, Inc., the author of 3 books and the Host of the television show "A Sip of Inspiration". Her super power: Transforming Lives

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How To Stay Positive To Enjoy Successful Manifestation

To Enjoy A Successful Manifestation, One Must Be Positive

Everyone is talking about manifestation, the law of attraction and the power of the universe. Many think they know how to use it, how to manifest, and benefit a lot from that knowledge. Many still struggle and keep wondering what are those successful people did to manifest anything they want and harness the power of the universe.

The key is everything is made of energy and vibration. You are what you vibrate. When you vibrate fear to the universe, the universe will send you more event to be feared. When you vibrate anger, you receive even more event to be angry at or people who are angry with you. On the other hand, when you vibrate happiness and positive thinking, you will receive more happiness and positivity in return.

So let's learn how to become a positive person to ensure you don't vibrate any negativities to the universe and start enjoying successful manifestations, and receive only the fabulous things in life.

How To Think Positive Even When In The Most Challenging Situation

1. Always smile

Smiling at yourself in the mirror helps to uplift your spirit quickly as well as reducing your stress. Please bear in mind that you need fewer muscles to smile than to frown.

2. Review all the blessings in your life

It is worthy to go through your diary, old happy photos, amusing VDO clips, or any past accomplishments. By revisiting those proud moments, happiness, and joy, you cannot hold on to the negativities and sadness. You will feel proud, confident and positive. Remember the feeling.

3. Reward yourself sometimes

Give yourself some compliments, flowers, or small rewards sometimes when you achieve something no matter how little it is. You can also reward yourself with some new opportunities to learn something new, to explore something new, or to meet new people. These little awards help you feel good about yourself. It is a way to show your appreciation to yourself. A positive attitude can never arise if you do not even feel good about yourself.

4. Stop whining!

Whining is a reflection of your negativities that have been put into words. It does no good to anyone. On the other hand while complaining you have unknowingly vibrated your negative energy to others and the universe. The law of attraction will work and attract the same energy to you. Moreover, you may get into the habit of whining. And when you do, the negativities will dwell in your constant mood which will attract people of the same kind to your life.

Many people complain to get what they want, the way they want it. There are many ways to get things done, have things we want, the way we want it by using other positive approaches like rewarding, complimenting, encouraging. These positive approaches may work slower but guarantee to draw back only positive energy to your circle.

5. Appreciation!

Learn how to be thankful for everything you have right now. It is always a good idea to thank other people for everything they do for you no matter how big or small. Admiring others and be thankful for others guard away negativities from your mind. On the contrary, these acts of appreciation and admiration vibrate positive energy to the universe and will draw back the same energy to you. Sincere admiration and heartfelt appreciation do not only make people who receive them feel happy but also make you realize your significance and presence.

6. Surround yourself with positive people

Talking to positive people help tuning our mood. We can absorb and study the way they think. Eventually, we will become positive too.

7. Stay away from negative people

Negative thought is contagious. When we hang out with negative people, we gradually absorb it. Sooner than we realize, we will find ourselves a negative person too.

8. Learn Dhamma, motivational quotes!

Reading good books of Dhamma or motivational and inspiring quotes from successful people help to stop us from going down the negative lane. Whenever negativity arises, grasp a book or read a motivational quote we like the most. It helps.

9. Think of others who have less and suffer more

Sometimes when we think about people who are less fortunate, people who are suffering more from the scarcity of necessities in life, we might as well appreciate our lives and what we have more. Moreover, many who suffered poverty and hardship have fought to rise above the water. Many have fought to rise above the crowd and become extremely successful. How could they make such a great achievement? Sometimes learning about other people's success story could inspire us. Learn how they managed to lead their lives from zero to hero.

10. Help others and learn to forgive

Helping other people in every possible way you can would make you feel very positive about yourself. Forgiving people also uplifts your spirit. It makes you let go of negative feeling and make you feel good about yourself too.

11. Blessing others and wish them well

When we bless someone or wish someone well from the heart, we automatically create a positive feeling and kindness in our heart. When we wish, we vibrate favorable energy to the universe. And by that, you have sent the signal to the universe you want a blessing too.

12. Stop thinking negative

Practice meditation to be aware of any negative thought once it occurs. When you realize you have a negative thought, ask yourself whether what you think is real. Ask yourself whether those thoughts are healthy and make you feel happy. What could be gained from holding on to negativity? What could be gained from letting it go and be positive instead?

13. Be careful before asking yourself 'why?'

The 'Why' is good when you need to find out the source of conflict or find a solution. However, asking 'why' to find fault or to create conflict and negativity is not healthy at all. Be aware before asking why. If it is for the good cause, do it. If not, better not asking 'why?'. Try asking yourself a different question like "Why do we expect everything and everyone be as we expected?", "Are we being self-centered?", "Should we think less of what we want and start accepting things the way they are?".

14. Exercise to uplift your mind

Your mind has an impact on your body and vice versa. So when you feel down, use your body to uplift your spirit. Exercise is a great way to light up your mood and generate healthy energy for your body and mind. Try running, jogging, yoga, or any exercises that would help you see your daily progress and experience some new achievements every day. When you are sad and discouraged, try some posture that would light up your mood quickly like smiling, look up the sky and take a deep breath. Your feeling will revert to positivity in no time.

15. Ask yourself some questions

One of the effective ways to tackle negativities is not to believe in those negative ideas. First, you need to be aware of the feeling. Second, find out what was the cause. Then use a series of questions that help to stop you from being negative which are:

Is it true?
Are there any proofs?
Can we prove it wrong?
Is it useful?
Would this thought make us happy?
What are the cons if we hold on to these ideas?
What the worse that could happen if we still hold on to these negativities?
Lastly, is it necessary that we believe in these negative ideas?
16. Meditation

Practice meditation for at least 15 minutes a day. You can try a peace meditation that helps you calm your mind and feel peaceful.

However, it is better to practice insight meditation. Insight meditation helps sharpen your mind and your awareness. You will be aware of any thoughts and feelings that come to mind quickly and be able to response more wisely. With awareness, you start vibrating only positive energy to the universe and sooner or later the universe will draw the same to you in kind.

17. Singing

Music can pull you out of your misery even for a short time. When singing, you have a chance to release your sorrow, troubles, and difficulties through the song. You feel a lot relieved after that. Music can help you feel good too.

18. Change your attitude

Given the same scenario, two people may have different opinions toward the situation. For example, when encountering difficulties, a positive person may see it as a challenge. The negative person may view it as an obstacle or a setback. So whenever facing troubles, try seeing them as a challenge, or an opportunity to develop your skill to overcome this problem.

19. Start your sentence with 'At least'

When life has been unkind to you in any way, it is wise to look at the positive side of the situation by using 'at least.' For example, when you fail something, you could say to yourself 'At least I have tried my best.'

When you lose your job, you can say to yourself 'At least I still have good health and now the new opportunity to explore my potential.' By looking at the positive aspect of any situations, you will see more opportunity in it and can gain more from the situation than staying negative.

Try practicing these secrets as often as you can until it becomes your habit. The law of attraction will start working on you. You will find your life changing in a positive way and start seeing how the universe is responding to your every wish like a miracle.

Find out more at http://www.rulemylife.net

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Message From the Universe: There Is Abundance Out There, Enough for Everyone

"If everyone wanted the same thing, if everyone wanted whatever was super trendy and wildly popular, or even if everyone wanted independence, wealth, health and happiness, it wouldn't change the fact that you could still have yours, pronto.

There is enough for everyone.

And you do know the "right people."

The Universe"

With the billions of stars and galaxies in our Universe, there is as much abundance out there to meet the needs of this planet's whole population, a million times over. We are always fearing others taking what we want because we are afraid that if they have wealth, there is not enough for us to have as well. We constantly look to find opportunities and make sure to keep it to ourselves because of our thought process. There are enough opportunities and wealth out there for you to have your piece of the pie.

Everyone might ask: "Well, if that is the fact, why aren't we all rich, and wealthy, and this or that?" That is because we were trained to think this way. Let me explain. As we were raised to be an individual participating to the greater good of society, we were thought by our parents that you need to work a steady 40 hours schedule to fulfill your role as a breadwinner, no matter the gender. We were then taught on how to fulfill our obligations to get to work in the morning and get back at night, and repeat this as much as needed until retirement.

There are, in some circumstances, some who broke out of this mold and said: "Screw this upbringing. I am going to create my own opportunities and become the person I want to be, no matter what the outcome. I will be my own boss and create my own wealth. I will not let anyone dictate my schedule and will be the best I can be. I do not fear uncertainties, I do not fear failure, I do not fear anything. I will prevail no matter what". This breed of people are called Entrepreneurs. It is with this mentality that we have many entrepreneurs that are successful OR in many cases not, but still going for their dreams and their pursuit of happiness.

There is no reason to think that wealth and abundance is not around you. Be one of the few that will train your offspring to think that there is enough out there for everyone to take their portion of that wealth. If you teach them to keep everything for themselves or that if someone have reached wealth, that there is no longer anything available for them to go for and should abandon their dreams. Teach everyone to NOT compare themselves with someone who have already reach ultimate financial success. It will be the beginning of the end for them. Not a good way to start teaching good habits here. So what can you do as a parent? Teach them abundance and attitude of appreciation for everything that is happening in their lives. Teach them to be grateful for the wealth they already possess, not necessarily in currency, but more in health and friendship and more importantly, in family.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550

Website: http://www.lifecoachdanamzallag.com

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Make Every Day Better by Your Decision to Be Happy Before the Day Begins

***Did you know that emotions are programmed or shall I say monitored and controlled by our perceptions? That's nothing that you haven't heard before. I'm sure... Though I can be assured in telling you that nobody or nothing can make you happy- BUT YOU! It is you who chooses, or should choose, to have an emotional outburst, outlook or happy expression.~ Everyday we all experience internal self-talk, decide to be a positive moderator. Talk yourself into remembering your victorious accomplishments and feats and be aware of conditions that challenge your progress.

Leave a lasting impression on yourself and on those that you effect. Everyday it is within your power to decide how you choose to handle situations, or outer events that are experienced,replaced or renewed, by your own actions. Make everyday better simply by your decision to be happy before the day begins! Set an intention daily, decide to grace yourself with thoughts of happiness and great potential for progress! The thoughts that follow will be within your emotional control, and given to you, by your own internal counsel. Your intention and outlook will soar in more winning ways than your imagination can foresee. Don't forget to see the warning signs of past defeats and use the signs as counsel and be vigilant when things are done that cause your stress or warning. Foresight is one of your best defenses and be happy to have it and use it wisely and often.

Foresight and outlook when contemplated and done in finesse bear happiness while reaping calculated success and advantage. If you and me decide to make happiness the tone that we desire to engage daily, then what we reflect, eventually will have a ripple-effect on our way of processing challenging or uncomfortable situations. In a defensive sense, foresight is a warning system that again, is a reason to be happy that your internal talk is helping you to be cautious- to utilize and calculate your fate and decisions wisely.

Be of the greatest service to yourself first. By assured by knowing how you want to feel from day to night. What that does is it convinces your mind that it is so much easier to be kind, content than it is to be critical, impatient or being contentious. Also, be sure to listen to balanced self-talk that is coming to you from your heart and not from your ego or from you mind.

Emotional progress is accomplished through one successful feat, lesson or experience at-a-time. My life experience is different then yours, though as long as you and me know that nobody's life is better than another's it's all about the perception that you choose to invite on a daily basis. Yes, some people appear to have everything, though unless and until you can hear the words of their own thoughts and emotions, you will never really know who is happy and who is in pain. Suffice it to say, take the road to joy and watch yourself and your emotions power-up like a toy soldier does for his owner on Christmas Day! I have been privileged to meet, work with, and to interact with many people of different nationalities and cultures! I keep an open mind to learn how wonderful their perceptions have helped them strive and accomplish their dreams by simply deciding to be happy before their day unfolds...

I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~
***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetic- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**

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Social Media Strategy: Become That Which You Desire To See

As I trolled social media this morning I couldn't help but notice how many postings are of a negative nature. Take away the ads (which many of them fill you with fear to buy) and the personal postings of pets and children, and virtually every message we see is negative.

Yet ask anyone if they'd prefer to be a generally negative or positive person and the answer will be overwhelmingly, "positive".

So why do we do it? Why do we not only post such negativity but then, delight in viewing it in such massive quantities?

According to an article in The Telegraph by Lauren Davidson (17 May 2015), "The average person has five social media accounts and spends around 1 hour and 40 minutes browsing these networks every day".

And with so much time spent and so much negativity distributed, it's easy to s
ee how we can become disenchanted and negative too.

We all know people (maybe even ourselves) who get into extended debates on social media about topics that are important but not necessarily topics over which we have control. We debate to reinforce our position and to try to sway others to agree. But rarely does anyone change his or her mind. In the end, we simply get frustrated and become distant.

What good does this accomplish? Aside from stroking our own egos and from having others who agree with us come to our defense it does no good.

And if we endeavor to have a better life (I'm assuming everyone does), wouldn't it just make sense to focus on good things instead of bad?

To suggest we take a social media diet or hiatus is advisable, but not very likely given our proclivity to use it. So how do we fix this trend of negativity?

We must become that which we desire to see. We must understand that we cannot be who we want to be as long as we are who we are.

I've been experimenting for the past month or so with my own social media posting and consumption. Here's what I'm doing, perhaps it can help you.

I do not click on any posting that is political in nature. I know exactly where I stand on the issues. Should I need further knowledge of a topic to form an opinion, I will rely on trusted sources, not on social media postings.I will not respond to anything in any way that is not constructive, supportive, and positive. If I cannot post in a way that will be helpful there's no need for my comment at all. Humor is allowed only to the extent that it does not attempt to influence others to my way of thinking.

I will purposefully find postings which I may comment on in a supportive or encouraging way every time I am on any social platform. Further, I will not leave any platform without making at least one encouraging or supportive post.

I will make my personal and business postings be inspirational and beneficial to those who view it. There are two purposes of posting on social media; To benefit others or to benefit myself. I will create my posts with the benefit of others foremost in my mind.

Finally, I will realize there are plenty of people hurting in the world today that use social media as an outlet for their pain and I'll have empathy for them. I will encourage where I can and will not criticize when I am tempted.
Of course, I haven't been able to avoid negative behavior completely. I fall back into old habits just like everyone else. But what I have experienced has been life-changing.
Since beginning I've seen people have responded to my posting more than ever before. Who knows, maybe everyone has it wrong and people prefer good news.

But most importantly I've seen a change in me. I find my day starts with a lightness of heart that continues throughout the day. I'm more patient and joyous. I'm grateful.

And hopefully, that means a change in those around me as well. For while I know that perception is reality I further know that a smile brings a smile, and good is returned by good.

Give it a try and see for yourself. Only you can become that which you desire.

Glen Gould is a professional speaker and trainer who believes that our work lives can provide us with the resources of time and money to inspire those around us to live better and live more. He believes every person can find greater freedom by controlling their income stream through business ownership. His goal is to help small business owners start, grow, and thrive.

For more about Glen visit http://www.GlenGould.net

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Message From the Universe: It's About the Right Feeling!

"How about I share a little secret with you in exchange for a nice, toothy smile?

Deal. Here goes... There's someone about to enter your life, either presently alive in time and space, or about to be born, whom you've obviously not yet even met, who will, in short order, fall very, deeply in love with you and the other way around.

Teeth, please - 
The Universe"

Has it happened yet for you? I know it did for me. However, for many others, it will come very very very soon. Why do you think we have so many dating website out there to cater to this need? That is because everything is looking for that magic connection, a chemistry that is very difficult to obtain, a love that is very hard to find. Many navigate through life, connecting with the wrong person, making mistakes and realizing it afterwards. No one can really predict how a relationship will end as many put a nice front in the beginning, then changes afterwards. By that time, a co-dependent relationship is created and it will eventually end really badly. So the question is often asked: "How will I ever know if this is the right person for me?" Many have tried to find the ideal significant other by dating many people and being more aware of odd signs that can and will be detrimental to a healthy relationship. Sometimes, humans will give priority to physical looks and ignore the signs of that person being the wrong one in every aspect. Unless you are just looking for a good time, long term hope with that individual shouldn't be a top priority. It is important to listen to that inner voice that will always guide you the right way and if signs are telling you to run in the opposite direction, I would suggest to tie your shoes and start running fast.

People get attracted to certain others because of the energy signature to exude from their bodies. It is not uncommon to come across similar energy signatures with someone but if you do not cultivate them TOGETHER, these energies will fade out and problems begin. Always focus on how you work together and if someone is looking for a heightened spiritual guidance and the other isn't looking for a similar calling, chances are that the relationship will eventually fail if no one makes the effort to reconnect down the line. It can be challenging to keep these energy signatures following the same parallel path of life as many couples may look for something different as they get older and their need changes. Like anything else in life, if you want something to succeed, you need to work hard at it. Don't fret the little arguments you may have between you and your significant other as they demonstrate that difference of opinions is important to be shared between both parties and as long as it stays to be a healthy argument, you will be able to built a strong foundation for the future.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550

Website: http://www.lifecoachdanamzallag.com

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Grab Energy From 'Nothing', the Pause

Can we imagine a speech without pause? No, it will be a meaningless series of words uttered.

Can we experience music without silence in between? No, it is caesura that transforms sound into a melodious tune.

The pause, the silence adds grace to our life. Our mind is in constant chase of materials, in the rat race expecting that the joy and happiness will occur only through winning that battle. However we deprive of the energy of present moment. In every moment we grapple in memories of past or we dwell in future with fear and doubts. Our mind behaves as if it is programmed to live in the cage of past and future.

We can't change! Fair enough! We can't change. Can we convert that cage into a beautiful garden to wander in by accumulating positive and empowering moments from past and by weaving dreams of grand creations?

How many times we enjoyed song of chirping birds? How many times we watched blooming buds? How many times we gazed the sky and acknowledged the mysterious existence of uncountable stars.

Not many! We leave it for an outing to be planned in future.

The nature is constantly thriving outside and within us. The nature is driving, everything and even our existence but instead of acknowledging her we live in illusions of mind.

A rain drop is falling from sky gives immense pleasure to creatures on the ground. When it settles on leaves and branches it becomes a unique glance when rays pass through it. When it falls on ground or merges in ocean it creates pleasant music and raises our hope. At every moment this tiny thing gives us immense joy, joy and joy only because it passionately enjoys its own journey without any hurries and worries.

If pause is so important then how can we create, enjoy and seek power from it?

Fill your heart with gratitude. Instead of thinking what you don't have be thankful for what you have and celebrate with it. There are many who don't have what you have.

At the start of the day be grateful that you woke up and you have a great day ahead. Promise to yourself that you will use this day to fullest by loving, by caring, by forgiving, by dancing, by smiling, by striving to do what you wish!

At the end of the day be grateful for the opportunity that you got to do various roles throughout the day, for receiving applause, for lessons learnt, all in all making that one step towards your dream.

Whatever be the situation, thinking of positive outcome is always a plus point. The moment you start worrying about future pick up paper and a pen and start listing the things you worry about, list reasons of your worry, list what actions you are taking for that positive outcome you wish to bring in. Facing the fear is winning half the battle!

Take a deep breath, feel it, trail around with it within you. No matter if you are living in midst of a city, you can't listen to song of birds, you can't enjoy blooming buds, the grand nature is thriving within us with the every breath passing by. Appreciate that!

Try doing this as often as regularly as possible and let this be part of your habit.

Can we do this every day? Every hour? Every moment? If yes then we acknowledge being nature's most beautiful creation, which we are, like that sparkling rain drop!

The life becomes infinite as we learn to live life every moment.

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Choose Your Words for Positive Thinking

It seems that whenever we start a sentence with "What if... " we end it with a negative or unfathomable phrase. For example, "What if I screw up?", or "What if they don't like me?" or "What if I fail?" The truth is that these are completely pointless questions. Amazingly, they become reasons why we don't do something that we claim to really want to do. Add to the list sentences that start with "Yes, but... ", "I can't... ", "I don't know... " and more.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, then these questions and phrases are something worse than insanity. We repeat these negative statements regularly and yet somehow we expect a positive result. How on earth is that going to happen? We never attempt to answer them, either. What if you did fail? Take some time to list out the consequences of that failure, and what you can do to recover from it. Guess what, for the first time you have actually answered the "What if... " question, which resulted in its elimination. Hurrah!

More importantly, stop focusing any energy on such thoughts and instead focus on the thoughts that will lead you to achieving whatever it is you desire. Nothing beats thorough preparation, planning and practice. If you are afraid to push the start button on that new initiative, consider the objective and the steps needed to get it done. Review your detailed plan and your preparation and resources to execute it. Also, assess the realistic and specific risks of things that may go wrong along the way and develop contingency plans.

If your "What if... " question is more specific than "I might fail", then you can benefit by changing the language you use to express the concern. Changing the language helps you to convert the objections from unsolvable questions into actionable information and steps. For example, let's say you want to launch a new seminar program and you have the content and presentation materials developed. You even have potential customers who have told you they are interested and will pay you to attend your seminar. Yet, you are frozen in place with a statement like, "What if my seminar fails?"

To move forward requires a different, more specific set of questions, such as, "How do you measure the success of the first seminar?" If only ten people came when you expected fifty, is that a failure? If three of ten people gave you a raving positive review, is that a failure? Each of these give us information about the success of the first seminar along with things we can learn from it to make the next one and the one following that even better.

Figure out who the ten people are and why they came. Make sure your future marketing efforts target more people just like them. Take the three raving positive reviews, use them as reference quotes and include the messages in your marketing. Learn from the rest to make adjustments and improvements to your seminar. By this process, we can see that the only way the seminar could actually fail is if nobody was interested or if all of the participants panned it. Then it is time to go back to the drawing board, but you will have demonstrated the answer to the original question.

Chances are, if your planning and preparation are thorough, and if you ask the right questions about your initial performance, the outcome for you will not be a failure and you will gain important insights to move forward. Each time you find yourself saying "What if... " stop and think of something positive to say and then rephrase your question with a new question that will enable you to take action. Choose your words to break free of the fear that keeps you stuck.

Patrick is a coach, speaker, and trainer to individuals and business leaders. He helps leaders to achieve success by clarifying their vision, strategic plans, leadership, change management, brand and marketing strategy. He helps individuals to remove self-limiting beliefs and fears that prevent them from acting on their goals and dreams. 615-261-8585 http://www.patrickgsmyth.com

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Living Thankfully Within the Theatre of Life

"If experience is about wealth, then I'm a very wealthy person."
- Dr Gregory Smith (former sociopath)

As I sat there watching the Year 4 students as they were led through a drama class, the teacher taught them an element of drama that I never before knew. Drama revolves around a problem - if there's
no problem then there's no story, no narrative, nothing stimulating to pique the onlooker's interest.

Dr Gregory Smith is an incredibly interesting person. His story, here. Someone who grew up in the dramatic horrors of domestic violence, was orphaned, convicted of arson but relieved of the burden of paying for that crime due to reasons of temporary insanity; who lived in a forest for ten years. Finally, in his late forties he came upon an epiphany. He learned something that turned his world upside down (as if he hadn't already lived an upside down life).

Smith learned that his extreme antisocial patterns of behaviour were due to the fact he had been fighting himself all along. He was central to his own problems.

That spoke to me. It reminded me of an epiphany I had of the Lord on July 7, 2015.
Having learned this powerfully fundamental and paradoxical truth - that when we admit we're the problem only then are we free to provide our own solutions - Smith was finally able to commence the wrestle of reconciling the drama of his astonishingly theatrical life.

When we finally discover that problems are inherently part of the theatre that life is, we're positioned to transcend our problems through the provision of solutions, which could not come otherwise.

The theatre of life is only interesting, and only evokes passion, when we have problems to overcome. See how problems are principally part of God's plan?

Accept that problems are part of life and, with passion, prime yourself for adventure.

When we take this approach, thankfulness informs our narrative, gratitude emerges, and, as persons, we thrive.

Steve Wickham holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

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Message From the Universe: Feel the Universe Around You

"The evolution of faith usually spanning millions of years, typically looks like this:

Not believing in "the Universe."

Believing in "the Universe," but secretly doubting it, too.

Fearing "the Universe," but secretly loving it, too.

Loving "the Universe," but secretly fearing it, too.

Realizing that "the Universe" was you, all along.

Yours truly, 
The Universe"

You have rights to your own feelings. You can believe, you can fear, you can love, you can hate, you can do basically whatever you want, as long as it is legal and not destructive in nature. If you had the opportunity to go 20 years into the future and purchase an Almanac of all the sporting events or the index of all the stock market and come back to the present and start bidding or investing, wouldn't that be SPECTACULAR (hint: Back to the Future II, when the older Biff gave the Almanac of all sporting events of the next 50 years to his younger self to invest and become wealthy)? You have the results in front of you so it is guaranteed wealth right? You might say I do not want to distort the future because it wasn't meant to be for me to be wealthy so I might screw something up. If we follow the logic of Hollywood, yes, you might create an alternate future that would have never occurred if you didn't possess this Almanac. This alternate future is based on your actions or behaviors focusing on what you personally created with your pursuit of wealth and happiness. There is really nothing wrong with that. With great power comes great responsibilities.

While you pursue this wealth and happiness (even without the Almanac), never forgot who you were when you first started. With your humble beginning and your hard work and constant pursuit of your dreams, you will appreciate more what's coming to you. You might see success quickly or deal with lots of failures. You might be angry at everyone as to why you can't make things happen even with your 24/7 work schedule. You might point fingers to him or her for all your shortcomings. You need to remember ONE thing. All of what is happening is the result of your own thoughts. You created all of this and it is with your thinking that you can change all this again. One little failure might create a slew of negative thoughts which can, if not under control, have a ripple effect on many more negative outcomes in your life. As per the famous mantra:"Thoughts become things"(The Secret:2006) and with your thoughts, you render either positive or negative things. If you know that and you apply it to your everyday thinking, why would you choose the negative? The answer is right in front of you, just like the Almanac with the exact scores of all sporting events in the 21st century.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550

Website: http://www.lifecoachdanamzallag.com

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Embracing Imperfection

A few weeks ago I was discussing with my personal coach that my book when published had some grammar and spelling errors to the point several friends looked at me and said. "Paul, who edited your book?" The truth be known that two people did the editing. Upon telling Marilyn the story we both giggled and then she said "I like the way you are dealing with this. More people need to embrace imperfection."

I did not recheck the editors work. I trusted both of these people and in fact I still do. One was ill and sent the manuscript it to a trusted friend of their's and the other some how dropped the ball. What resulted is that I had to delay the public launch of the book until the revised edits were complete.

I realized that the delay of the public book launch for several months was in fact the best thing. There is no way I would put the book in the book stores with the spelling and grammar errors the first printing of the book possessed. I did not have the time to prepare my new website and plan for book signings and media interviews. This allowed me the time to put the polish on the apple.

Yes, I went ahead with a private launch last fall. The lesson learned is if we wait for it to be perfect we will never launch that new product. Start the new marketing campaign let alone publish that book we have all wanted to write. In my case I was flat out at my day job. I was recovering from reconstructive shoulder surgery and then throw in the launch of the book. I was working to dead lines. The location for the book launch was paid for. The invitations had gone out and the catering order had all been placed. Oops! Lets start over was not an option.

What is it that is holding you back from stepping out and starting that new project. I am not the first to say if we wait for it to be perfect we will never start. Embracing imperfections allows us to make adjustments to the finished product.

It's the start of a new year and anyone worth their salt is writing goals and aspirations for the coming 12 months. Achieving the goal is not as simple as turning on a light bulb. Those of us who know that working toward the goal is the most important part. The reason we wrote the goal is we wanted to be better at something or achieve something we have never done before. We started this process because we are not perfect and never will be. Lighten up and enjoy the ride.

Paul's many years of business ownership and life experience have provided him with the expertise to help you deal with complex issues regarding success and obtaining your goals. Paul is an author of the book, " It Happened On Purpose". Paul is a Certified Professional Coach. Paul has lived first hand much about what he writes about. This is what separates Paul from those who have just studied coaching. Life is full of tough decisions and some times we need a coach to help you through that. For more information please go Paul's website at http://paulroy.ca

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2017 And Mindfulness - The Year of Compassion?

I'd like to propose a toast on 2017. Let's make 2017 the "Year of Compassion" and raise our glasses to "stop pointing fingers".

A major (I mean: MAJOR) cause for conflict in our relationships (family, community, ourselves) is a lack of -what in the Mindfulness world is called- experiential ownership.

I'll explain this term a bit more. Unless someone collides with you or physically touches you, no-one can make you "feel" anything BUT you. We are and always will be the FIRST recipients of our thoughts and emotions, good and bad. Strong negative thoughts and emotions lead to strong negative sensations in our bodies (tight chest; stiff neck, knot in your stomach, shaky voice, headache; you mention it). No-one has "done" that to you, though. You did so, via your thoughts and emotions. We generally don't like those feelings in our bodies; we want to "avoid" them. An easy way to "do" avoidance is to blame someone else. At least it feels better and we avoid our own pain somewhat.

Experiential ownership asks, however, that we "own" those feelings; we have brought them onto ourselves by the way we think and feel about a situation. They are OUR sensations. If we point fingers at someone else for the way we feel ("you made me feel bad") we pretend someone else has caused those bodily sensations and feelings. This is just not possible. We caused them. No-one else.

Being able to "own" your own feelings and emotions can make you more compassionate. Once you realise that you are in control of how you feel, you will feel less of a need to point fingers at someone else for "hurting you". It just doesn't make sense from a Mindfulness perspective. Conversely, if someone else is triggered by what YOU said or did, and THEY react from avoidance, you can then be more compassionate with that other person. Others are ALSO the first recipients of whatever sensations occur in their bodies. They are as much victims of their own "stuff" as you are of yours! That allows you to cut them some slack.

I know it might look easier than it is, but really, it is fairly easy. Compassion is a learned skill. In Mindfulness, we call it "Loving Kindness", and it allows you to take yourself, other people and the world in general a little bit less seriously; to treat everything and everyone more kindly.

If we can work on our skills of experiential ownership and compassion, your world will become a better place. You can trust me on that one. And that is a great place to start the new year off with!

Marc is a qualified Counsellor, Life/Business Coach, Master NLP Practitioner and AusIDentities Personalities Facilitator on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

Marc inspires his clients to create "Knowareness", a powerful state of presence that allows clients to make the right decisions at the right time, all the time.

A litigation lawyer for nearly a decade in his "previous life" before immigrating to Australia from The Netherlands, Marc knows exactly how daunting taking the first step in a new direction can be.

Email Marc at marc@landmarc.com.au to arrange an introductory 30 minute face-to-face or phone mentoring session!

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Message From the Universe: Lack of Disappointment and Anger Equals Eternal Youth

"Disappointment, without anger, is the mark of an old soul.

Not being disappointed is the mark of a really old soul.

And trusting life so thoroughly that every step on its path is valued more than where it was supposed to take you, is the mark of eternal youth.

You hottie, 
The Universe"

We all had many disappointments in our lives and because of the nature of some of these disappointments, extreme anger follows. Depending on how you manage this anger, you can allow yourself time to decompress a little and understand the nature of what triggered this disappointment and find the best plausible solution. Let's say your kid comes back with really bad grades at school. You will show disappointment, which is totally obvious and most probably anger because of the probable causes as to why he or she is failing school. Anger will automatically follow and lots of frustration. Grounding might be the best solution when it comes to solving the existing problem. So let's back up for a second. What really caused the demise of the kid's grade? Was it because you, the parent, didn't follow through and monitor his or her focus in school? Did you allow them to do whatever they wanted without providing structure so they can get back on track and do better in school? Do they have learning disabilities that you don't know anything about but not trying to ask or figure out with the teacher how they interact in a classroom environment? You need to step up as a parent and get more involved and attend to their need or call for help. Bad grades can be an indirect message to you that your kid needs assistance. Be vigilant and show that you are present and that you care. This is where all this can change.

Disappointment could also originate from failed relationships, not getting promoted even though you worked your butt off at work, not reaching your desired health goals even though you starve yourself and work out 24/7. Life will come with so much more disappointment so you need to be ready to deal with them on a daily basis. I am not trying to be grim and disappoint you with my statement but this is what life is all about. Dealing with these challenges is definitely how everything else in your life will be externally related to positive or negative outcomes. If you allow yourself to brush off disappointment and not allow anger to come into the equation, you will start seeing changes, and in some case, really positive changes. Your perception and approach to finding solution will be made with enthusiasm and they (talking about disappointments) will eventually pass you by without leaving any negative feelings of any sort. You have matured to a point of being proactive when it comes to looking ahead with a positive eye, no matter what comes your way. They are 7 active muscle groups (more if we need to mention the micro muscles underlying the major ones) involved when you are angry:

Eyebrow frowns - your eyebrows are pushed down in the middle, and pulled up at the sides.
Nose wrinkle - your nose is pushed up as your brows furrow.
Nostrils flare - your nostrils get wider and are pulled up.
Eyes wince - your eye muscles are pulled together, making your eyes feel tense.
Lip snarl - your upper lip is pulled up, showing your teeth.
Lip corners depressing - your lip corners are pulled down, to illustrate your dislike.
Jaw clinching - your jaw muscles tense up, making your teeth clinch and grind.
and ONLY 3 when you are happy:

Forehead relaxing - your forehead muscles relax, bringing your eyebrows up a little.
Eyes smile - the outer corners of your eyes begin to wrinkle as muscles push them together. Only when you really smile!
Lips smile - your lip corners are pulled up, showing your lovely smile!
So why do we need to exert that much energy when angry? The choice is yours. Plus, no one like to be around people who show their angry side. Life is too short to live this way, and by allowing happiness into our lives, we learn to let go of any grudges and move forward to better living.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550

Website: http://www.lifecoachdanamzallag.com

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Contemplating Life & Death - Healing To Live Life to the Fullest

Thinking about life... and death today. A friend's father is living his final moments. He struggled with cancer for many years and fought "the good fight" as long as he could. I think about the things he's going to miss. Like his youngest daughter graduate from high school, seeing his girls get married, or meeting his not yet born grandchildren. I think about my friends who's hearts are breaking as they say goodbye to a father and a husband. I think about the giant crevasse that will leave in the house. Always a feeling that something, or someone is missing. Today I'm thinking about how precious life is. How precious every moment of every day is. And it reminds me that I don't want to waste a minute of the time I have left.

It wasn't too long ago that I contemplated my own death. I was going through a really difficult time in my life. The darkest road I'd ever traveled. I felt so alone and disconnected. I felt overwhelmingly hopeless and depressed. I feared that I would never come out of the abyss and I wondered what it would be like if I could just end it all.

It put me in a tough dilemma because I had a sister who committed suicide in 1986. I was so mad at her... I'm still mad at her and part of me doesn't understand. And yet not too long ago I found myself in the depths of hell wondering if I could ever come out again. I wondered if I would ever find joy, happiness or peace. I longed for a little bit of light to guide my way.

It was then that I started to think about my life and my death and I seriously asked myself if I wanted to live any longer. I believe that I'm here for a reason, to help people and I had more to give. And I realized that while I was living, the thought of suicide was always in the back of my mind. So the message to myself was "well if it doesn't work I'll just kill myself." I realized that I wasn't living my life with "two feet in." I was living my life with one foot out the door. How can you live a whole hearted life when part of you is thinking about death and thinking that it is actually an option if "things don't work out."

So I thought about it long and hard and I thought "if I'm going to end it, let's do it! Let's make a plan!" So for awhile I made a plan, I made several plans actually. Pretty good plans, if I wanted to die. Then I was talking to a friend of mine who was thinking about leaving her husband. She couldn't commit to staying but she couldn't commit to leaving either. As we were talking, I realized that she was living her marriage with one foot out the door. And I asked her what it might be like if she gave it three months with "two feet in" to see how that might change things. And so she did. And now 6 months later things seem to be better in her relationship. At least she's committed to giving it a try "two feet in."

After that conversation I was reminded about the choice to live one foot out or two feet in. And after studying quite a bit of Brene Brown I knew that I wanted to live a whole hearted life, if I wanted to live. And so I chose to give it a try and commit to live two feet in. When I did that, something miraculous happened. The anguish that led to the thoughts of death loosened its grip on me and the thoughts of death diminished. The thought of "if this doesn't work out I'll kill myself" left my stream of consciousness. The plans have disappeared from my mind and I don't think about it anymore. I want to live two feet in and my life has changed in amazing ways since I committed to that.

It was a difficult road for me. I had to look at the demons that haunted me, the nightmares that woke me up in a cold sweat and a past that wasn't so pleasant to remember. And I didn't do travel that road alone. I found the right people to help me navigate through the darkness. I found just the right counselor and a few other holistic healers to help me stay in balance along the way. I worked with a chiropractor and a massage therapist. I got acupuncture and worked with a naturopath. And I was taken in by a wonderful pastor who guided my way when the road got really dark. And I had God, who I know was right there with me every step of the way. He orchestrated the perfect healing journey, brought in just the right people to assist me and provided the most amazing life lessons. The lesson would never have been so profound if the journey had not been so dark.

My journey was the most difficult I've ever traveled and yet it was filled with miracles all along the way. Little flickers of hope to guide me. No one has to travel the dark alone. God is always there. And he brings people into your life to help. I'm proud to say I'm one of those people he calls on to help others in my counseling practice. It's okay to ask for help. The only way to live a life is "two feet in." Are you? Let someone know if you need help navigating in the dark.

Barb Brown is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Life Optimization Coach and Nutrition Advisor. Her website can be found at http://www.LiveTheInspiredLife.com. She offers assistance to those who are struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, stress and overwhelm helping people to navigate through their own darkness to find the light in their lives. You can't dream from that place of darkness but once you come through it you can discover happiness, joy and inspiration as well as be prepared to step into your "heart's desire."

Life doesn't have to always be a struggle and you don't have to travel that road alone. Contact Barb today to see how she can help you step into your own light.

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You Are More Than Enough - You Are Magnificent!

Do you struggle with feeling that you are enough? Do you find yourself questioning your worth and the success of your life time and time again? What IS that measuring stick against which we compare ourselves and imagine that we come up short or that we are lacking in some way? How do we find and hold on to true knowing of our worth?

It's the "hold on" part that seems to challenge me... especially during the holiday season. So often my heart aches with feelings of lack and "being on the outside looking in." If you are like me, you long to ease the pain and sense of lack that seem to colour your life. And if you are like me in another way, you know the answers. You just need to practise what you know to be truth and not a reflectio
n of a story that you have created and choose to keep telling about yourself.

The holidays are particularly challenging to my sense of worth. In fact, I set them up to be a challenge every year... and it all goes back to my sense of feeling broken when our family split. I haven't fully healed that perception of being "less than" because my marriage ended. Prior to what felt like the implosion of my life as I knew it, I had always anticipated the holidays and revelled in every moment with my family. It was a wonderful, wondrous time of the year. Ever since then, I work hard to make the holidays special for my loved ones, but I am always relieved when they are over. I never feel like I measure up to the picture-perfect portraits of family festivities that are shared on social media or promoted through incessant marketing campaigns. I feel lack; even though I know that these images don't tell the whole story of anyone's life, I allow them to be a measure against which I compare my life and perceive a shortfall.

All around me, it seems that people are happily soaking in every festive moment surrounded by their loved ones, and I am the lone one who struggles. Note that I used the word, seems. That is the filter that I choose to use, and I know that the way I look at things affects the way I experience them. I choose to perceive this story about my life. I choose to perceive lack instead of the abundance that is there when I change my filter. It is all up to me and the choices that I make in each moment.

I am the creator of what I experience; as I reflect on the holiday season that has come to a close and I feel the same sense of lack and the familiar ache in my heart, I realize that experience has been my choice. Instead of focusing on the abundance in my life, I have been looking at the Facebook-perfect portraits of families exuding holiday cheer and choosing to perceive that I come up short. No one is telling me that I don't measure up. In fact, all around me are people who tell me just the opposite. The person who is creating the pain is me... and it all comes down to what I choose to look for in each moment.

When I choose to look for lack, that is what I will find and experience. When I choose to look for abundance that is truly all around me and that blesses me every single day, THAT is what I will perceive and experience. It is all up to me. As I write, I am reminded of what I read in Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's book, Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life last night: "You'll never, ever get enough of what you don't want." Dr. Dyer was referring to addictions, but I recognize a connection to my struggle with self-worth. It seems that I can't get enough of feeling "less than." What is my evidence? I keep recreating the same experience.

Just as I have the power to create and recreate this experience, I have the power to change it. So do you, my friends. We all have the power to change our experiences in life by changing the way we look at them. We need to look for the abundance that blesses our lives at every turn, instead of what is missing or what we perceive others to be experiencing. When we look for abundance - all that is positive - that is what we will see, and the more abundance we recognize, the more there will be for us to experience.

As I reflect on the holiday season, I realize how I went off the rails. It has become my practice to take time every day to focus on spiritual reading, prayer, and inner awareness. It keeps me grounded and centred. Over the holidays, I have gone days without grounding myself in Spirit... and as I have allowed my focus to wander, I have lost my way. I have slipped back into old habits of looking outside of myself to measure my worth. I have allowed images of holiday perfection to shadow my experience. It has all been me. The good news is that I know the way to self-correct. I need to return to spending quiet time every day in reflection and in Spirit. That is what grounds me and affirms my worth. That is what assures me that I am always enough, more than enough. Even now as I pause and go within, I can feel the unconditional love and affirmation of my worth. My feelings of loss and lack fall to the wayside as I re-enter my truth. And my truth is your truth, my friends. You are always loved just as you are. You are always worthy, always more than enough. You are Divine perfection manifesting in this world. As we experience life in this ego-dominated world, it is easy to lose sight of this, but the embrace of this perfect love is always waiting for us when we go within and surrender to the truth of who we are.

I want to return to the questions I asked at the beginning:

What IS that measuring stick against which we compare ourselves and imagine that we come up short or that we are lacking in some way?

This misperception arises when we use what we see in the outer world as the measure of our worth. We perceive others doing more, having more, being more than us, and we use that perception as the measure of our worth. That perception is grounded in the conditioned belief that we are all separate and in competition with one another. That perception is the voice of the ego-mind, not of our true identity as spiritual beings.
How do we find and hold on to true knowing of our worth?

We go on a journey of self-discovery and begin to question who we really are beneath of the layers with which we identify ourselves in the world. We go within to that still, quiet presence that observes all that transpires in our lives, and we ground ourselves there. It is in that presence that we find and know our true worth as spirit, as consciousness. We are all expressions of Divine energy, and in that knowing, we find and realize our magnificence.
As we begin a new calendar year, I pray that you find and realize that you are more than enough - you are magnificent. Make it your practice to ground yourself in Spirit each day so that you can hold onto this knowing and be at peace within yourself in the world. Namaste, my dears.

I invite you to visit my website at http://discoverlifebeyondmeasure.com to find more articles about healing and personal and spiritual growth. I look forward to connecting with you there. Linda

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Your Role Is To Play

"We encourage you to decide, as early in life as possible, that your dominant intent and reason for existence is to live happily ever after.

That would be a very good career choice: to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth and joy. Make a 'career' of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do the things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you and what you do 'for a living' makes you happy you have found the best of all combinations." ~ Abraham-Hicks

The quote above makes perfect sense to me. After all, I am a Law of Attraction coach. I have spent thousands of class hours preaching the message of "If it ain't fun, don't do it" and "Fun is #1!" But, there are times when it seems like playing is not an option.

I had an experience last night where I got to practice finding the fun in a painful moment. I went to bed with some unusual pain near my pelvis. I had a couple of negative thoughts about "what was wrong." Then I made the choice to trust that all was well with my body.

In the middle of the night I woke up in severe pain. Whoa! What the heck was going on? The scary thoughts came again. I went to worst-case scenarios in ten seconds flat! I knew I could make a different choice. I decided to have some fun and use my Inner Magician.

I know that the Law of Attraction allows us to literally create anything. Anything. I began to focus on sleep. My intention was to fall asleep easily, even if the pain remained, and also that when I woke up the pain would be gone. I truly looked at this process as a little game.

I woke up this morning with a smile. I realized that it had only taken me about two minutes last night to fall back to sleep, and my pain was gone.

That was easy! I know that what kept it light was not "trying" to force the pain out with my thoughts, but instead focusing on playing with my magic powers as a creator of my reality.

This same perspective can be used in financial distress as well. Do you have an expense you're afraid you can't afford? What if it became a game to attract unexpected income? If you don't know where the money will come from, you only have two choices. You can either worry or let go of the stress. I always vote for the latter.

The game is to allow the Universe to surprise you with a source of revenue. In order to play the game, you have to trust that the Universe will play its role in excellence. After all, its job is to coordinate circumstances, people, and events to support your requests. Your challenge and role is to continue to appreciate any small evidence in your favor, have fun with all things you enjoy, and trust in your power to perfectly create your life without working yourself so hard.

What evidence can you appreciate right now?

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for conscious entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: http://masterpeacecoaching.com/freecd2

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What is best natural remedy for painful knee joints?

Although you may have been led to believe that natural remedies for arthritis are not as effective as prescription drugs, this is simply not the case. In this article, you will learn about some healthy alternatives that can help you reduce pain and regain mobility.

First, let's talk a bit about prescription drugs and why they may not be the best solution in the long run. Although these drugs do work for some people, understand that any time you take prescription medications, there are risks. Just because they were prescribed by your doctor does not mean they're completely safe. All drugs have side effects which some people tolerate better than others. Always ask about the side effects before taking any prescription drugs. Ask about long term effects as well since some drugs can damage the liver or other organs over time. Also, be aware that drugs will not heal arthritis, but just suppress the symptoms. If you stop taking them, the symptoms will return.

For these reasons, many people are using a natural remedy for arthritis. These remedies work by using herbs and natural anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling and promote healthy cartilage, bones and joints.

Since there are many formulations on the market today, here's what to look for in a good one. First of all, make sure that it contains proven herbs including Indian frankincense, glucosamine and devil's claw. This formulation is one of the most effective natural remedies for arthritis on the market today. Another thing to look for is a company that stands behind their product with a one year return policy. This shows you a company that has done the research to back up their product line.

Once you have started taking the remedy, be patient and give it time to work. Natural substances work by building up in your system, so make sure to take the supplement every single day. Set an alert on your cell phone or put a reminder on your calendar so you don't forget.

In addition to taking a good natural remedy for arthritis, there are other important things that you can do to support healthy, pain-free joints. First, make sure to eat a good nutrient rich diet. Focus on eating lean protein (you should have protein at every meal), fresh vegetables and fruit in season, nuts, beans, whole grains and healthy oils.

Next, make sure to get regular exercise. If you have arthritis in your knees then you may not be able to do certain activities, but don't let this stop you from exercising. For instance, did you know that working out just one muscle group with weights benefits your entire body. So if you can't run or bike or do lunges or squats, then focus on what you can do. Do some biceps curls or bench press. For aerobic benefits, get on a rowing machine and use those back, shoulder and arm muscles.

So there you have it: an easy risk-free way to reduce the pain and inflammation of swollen joints. Start by taking a natural remedy for arthritis, make healthier food choices and add aerobic and weight-bearing exercise. Get started today. Your joint health depends on it.

Laura Ramirez is a health researcher who writes about natural remedies for arthritis and alternative solutions for wellness and vitality. Feel free to browse the articles on her site.

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Best Eczema Remedies - Best And Most Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Your Eczema

Eczema is characterized as a condition wherein the skin gets inflamed and develops pustules onto the skin. Flakiness, redness, itching and dryness are some of the usual characterization of eczema. It usually affects the wrist area, the face, the back of the knees, the arms, the neck, and the upper chest.

A lot of people who have been battling against eczema are actively searching for eczema remedies that actually work. The reason behind this is that probably, these people do not consider making use of prescription drugs or creams to treat their condition. The problem is that these types of eczema remedies are made up of specific chemicals, which in certain situations can result to some ill effects.

The following are some eczema remedies that you can easily do at home to get rid of the skin infection:

1. Spearmint leaf - the extract of the spearmint leaf when applied on the skin can help in healing the rashes.

2. Coconut oil - making use of coconut oil aids significantly in preventing itches and softening the skin

3. Water treatment - you can make use of cold wet preparation methods and cold compresses to cure eczema. Once it has warmed off, you need to reapply the compress.

4. Sun bathing - helps in killing the dangerous bacteria that thrives in the outer layers of the skin

5. Papaya seeds - mashed papaya seeds may also be applied directly on the infected area

6. Almond leaf - may be made into pulp by mixing it with water and use it as an ointment in order to cure the skin disease.

Do you want to discover wonderful techniques you can use to naturally get rid of your ugly eczema? If yes, then I will advise get a copy of the " Quick Eczema Cure " Book!

Click on this link ==> Quick Eczema Cure, to find out more about this natural eczema cure program and see how its been helping thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

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From Wrinkles to Muscle Mass: How GenF20 Plus Can Improve Your Overall Health

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