Day 2 of 365 - A Course in Miracles Lesson 2 - I have given everything I see all the meaning that it has for me

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Workbook Lesson 2

I have given everything I see all the meaning that it has for me.

I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me.

The exercises with this idea are the same as those for the first one. Begin with the things that are near you, and apply the idea to whatever your glance rests on. Then increase the range outward. 

Turn your head so that you include whatever is on either side. If possible, turn around and apply the idea to what was behind you. 

Remain as indiscriminate as possible in selecting subjects for its application, do not concentrate on anything in particular, and do not attempt to include everything you see in a given area, or you will introduce strain.

Merely glance easily and fairly quickly around you, trying to avoid selection by size, brightness, color, material, or relative importance to you. Take the subjects simply as you see them.

 Try to apply the exercise with equal ease to a body or a button, a fly or a floor, an arm or an apple. The sole criterion for applying the idea to anything is merely that your eyes have lighted on it. 

Make no attempt to include anything particular, but be sure that nothing is specifically excluded.

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