Day 15 of 365 A Course in Miracles - My thoughts are images that I have made.

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so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

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search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 15 of 365 

Lesson 15 - A Course in Miracles

My thoughts are images that I have made.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 14 of 365 A Course in Miracles - God did not create a meaningless world.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 14 of 365 

Lesson 14 
A Course in Miracles

God did not create a meaningless world.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 13 of 365 A Course in Miracles - A meaningless world engenders fear.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 13 of 365 

Lesson 13 - A Course in Miracles

 A meaningless world engenders fear.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 12 of 365 A Course in Miracles - I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 12 of 365 

Lesson 12

A Course in Miracles

I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 11 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 11 of 365 

Lesson 11

A Course in Miracles

My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 10 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 10 - My Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 10 of 365 

Lesson 10 -  A Course in Miracles

My Thoughts Do Not Mean Anything

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 9 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 9 - I see nothing as it is now.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 9 of 365 

Lesson 9 

A Course in Miracles

I see nothing as it is now.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 8 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 8 - My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 8 of 365 

Lesson 8

A Course in Miracles

"My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts."

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 7 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 7 - I see only the past

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 7 of 365 

Lesson 7

A Course in Miracles

I see only the past

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 6 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 6 - I am upset because I see something that is not there

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App
which is 100% free to download on the App Store, or
you can go here to get it:
and join the 365 day meditation group 
so you can have an amazing
experience in conjunction with the  
lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download the App and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 6 of 365 

A Course in Miracles - Lesson 6

I am upset because I see something that is not there.

For more information on A Course in Miracles
or to read the text version of the lessons
please go to

Day 5 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 5 - I am never upset for the reason I think

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App, 
and join the 365 day meditation group
to enjoy an amazing 365 meditation in conjunction with
the meditation lesson on this blog.

Once you download and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day 5  of 365 

Lesson 5

A Course in Miracles 

I am never upset for the reason I think

For more information on A Course in Miracles
please go to

Day 4 of 365 - A Course in Miracles - Lesson 4 - These thoughts do not mean anything

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App, 
which is 100% free to download on the App Store,
and follow the 365 day meditation journey
in synchronicity with the lessons/meditation on this blog.

Once you download and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days TogetherPlaylist.

Day  of 365 

Lesson 4 

These thoughts do not mean anything

For the text version of this lesson please visit

Peace, Love and Light to you!

Day 3 of 365 - A Course in Miracles Lesson 03 - I Do Not Understand Anything I See

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App, 
which is 100% free to download on the App Store,
and follow the 365 day meditation journey
in synchronicity with the lessons/meditation in my 365 day enlightenment journey posts.

Once you download and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days Together" Playlist.

Day 3 of 365 

I do not understand anything I see.

I do not understand anything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place].

Apply this idea in the same way as the previous ones, without making distinctions of any kind. 

Whatever you see becomes a proper subject for applying the idea. Be sure that you do not question the suitability of anything for application of the idea. 

These are not exercises in judgment. Anything is suitable if you see it. 

Some of the things you see may have emotionally charged meaning for you. Try to lay such feelings aside, and merely use these things exactly as you would anything else.

The point of the exercises is to help you clear your mind of all past associations, to see things exactly as they appear to you now, and to realize how little you really understand about them. It is therefore essential that you keep a perfectly open mind, unhampered by judgment, in selecting the things to which the idea for the day is to be applied. 

For this purpose one thing is like another; equally suitable and therefore equally useful.

I hpe this video lesson has been helpful in opening your mind to the new concepts being explored here.

For more info on A Course in Miracles go to :

Day 2 of 365 - A Course in Miracles Lesson 2 - I have given everything I see all the meaning that it has for me

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App, 
which is 100% free to download on the App Store,
and follow the 365 day meditation journey
in synchronicity with the lessons/meditation in my 365 day enlightenment journey posts.

Once you download and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days Together" Playlist

Workbook Lesson 2

I have given everything I see all the meaning that it has for me.

I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me.

The exercises with this idea are the same as those for the first one. Begin with the things that are near you, and apply the idea to whatever your glance rests on. Then increase the range outward. 

Turn your head so that you include whatever is on either side. If possible, turn around and apply the idea to what was behind you. 

Remain as indiscriminate as possible in selecting subjects for its application, do not concentrate on anything in particular, and do not attempt to include everything you see in a given area, or you will introduce strain.

Merely glance easily and fairly quickly around you, trying to avoid selection by size, brightness, color, material, or relative importance to you. Take the subjects simply as you see them.

 Try to apply the exercise with equal ease to a body or a button, a fly or a floor, an arm or an apple. The sole criterion for applying the idea to anything is merely that your eyes have lighted on it. 

Make no attempt to include anything particular, but be sure that nothing is specifically excluded.

Day 1 of 365 - A Course in Miracles Lesson 1 - Nothing I See Means Anything

I am so excited to start this 365 days of Enlightenment and Meditation!

I would sincerely request you to start this 365 day process
with a deep desire for commitment to it.

I highly recommend you use the Insight Timer Meditation App, 
which is 100% free to download on the App Store,
and follow the 365 day meditation journey
in synchronicity with the lessons/meditation in my 365 day enlightenment journey posts.

Once you download and login to your free account
search the "Featured" tab for "365 Days Together" Playlist
and start with the Day 1 session.

I too am doing this with you on all these days.

Start wherever you are, no matter what day or month or week it is.

Just let go and let your energy rise to the highest vibration,
so you can set the world on fire and live your life to the fullest,
whatever that "fullest" means to you.

Let us begin....Day 1 of 365

Workbook Lesson 1

Nothing I See Means Anything.

Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] means anything.

Now look slowly around you, and practice applying this idea very specifically to whatever you see:
This table does not mean anything.
This chair does not mean anything.
This hand does not mean anything.
This foot does not mean anything.
This pen does not mean anything.

Then look farther away from your immediate area, and apply the idea to a wider range:

That door does not mean anything.
That body does not mean anything.

Notice that these statements below are not arranged in any order, and make no allowance for differences in the kinds of things to which they are applied. That is the purpose of the exercise. The statement should merely be applied to anything you see. As you practice the idea for the day, use it totally indiscriminately. Do not attempt to apply it to everything you see, for these exercises should not become ritualistic. Only be sure that nothing you see is specifically excluded. One thing is like another as far as the application of the idea is concerned.

Each of the first three lessons should not be done more than twice a day each, preferably morning and evening. Nor should they be attempted for more than a minute or so, unless that entails a sense of hurry. A comfortable sense of leisure is essential.

For more information go to:

A Course in Miracles - Introduction

Introduction to A Course in Miracles Workbook for Students

A theoretical foundation such as the text provides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this workbook meaningful. Yet it is doing the exercises that will make the goal of the course possible. An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. It is the purpose of this workbook to train your mind to think along the lines the text sets forth.

The exercises are very simple. They do not require a great deal of time, and it does not matter where you do them. They need no preparation. The training period is one year. The exercises are numbered from 1 to 365. Do not undertake to do more than one set of exercises a day.

The workbook is divided into two main sections, the first dealing with the undoing of the way you see now, and the second with the acquisition of true perception. With the exception of the review periods, each day's exercises are planned around one central idea, which is stated first. This is followed by a description of the specific procedures by which the idea for the day is to be applied.
The purpose of the workbook is to train your mind in a systematic way to a different perception of everyone and everything in the world. The exercises are planned to help you generalize the lessons, so that you will understand that each of them is equally applicable to everyone and everything you see.

Transfer of training in true perception does not proceed as does transfer of the training of the world. If true perception has been achieved in connection with any person, situation or event, total transfer to everyone and everything is certain. On the other hand, one exception held apart from true perception makes its accomplishments anywhere impossible.

The only general rules to be observed throughout, then, are: First, that the exercises be practiced with great specificity, as will be indicated. This will help you to generalize the ideas involved to every situation in which you find yourself, and to everyone and everything in it. Second, be sure that you do not decide for yourself that there are some people, situations or things to which the ideas are inapplicable. This will interfere with transfer of training. The very nature of true perception is that it has no limits. It is the opposite of the way you see now.

The overall aim of the exercises is to increase your ability to extend the ideas you will be practicing to include everything. This will require no effort on your part. The exercises themselves meet the conditions necessary for this kind of transfer.

Some of the ideas the workbook presents you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter. You are merely asked to apply the ideas as you are directed to do. You are not asked to judge them at all. You are asked only to use them. It is their use that will give them meaning to you, and will show you that they are true.

Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.

I have created a video for each exercise and the first exercise can be found in my blog here

 For more information go to

Shifting Out of Negative Space

Meditating does not mean that you extract that part of your memory and forget all that has ever happened before. Especially life events that hasn't served you well and more than anything in this world, you would like the "pain and suffering" to be taken away. You must know, that our mind is like the revolving earth, ever evolving and spinning in its orbit in its own perfect proximity and whatever that's been planted before, it is there and always will be.

Because it is so wide and limitless, we can choose where we would like to lead our thoughts to. Our mind is the limitless space, and "negative" spaces are fundamental to building an "image and picture" of anything we wish to put together. That is how we are able to visualize dreams, scenarios, circumstances and fragments of things we have come to learn and know about. We put those pieces together inside our heads. When you learn to "un-clutter" the mind, you get to choose to be on the other side of the "negative space" that is part of your brain and living mind and you can't turn that part "off" like a switch. You can only ever attempt to make the effort for a "shift" into a different space.

When you "quiet" the mind, you see more clearly and there is a small window of opportunity to make the "shift" when that happens. Slowly, steadily, you shift yourself to a different space - a positive one. One that contains new affirmations and thoughts, new memories, experiences and places you have recreated for yourself. Planting new seeds takes time for it to grow and also takes consistent care for it to ensure that it is healthy and strong before you can bear fruits and flowers for you to enjoy and repeat the cycle.

It is a process, a journey, a learning curve for the mind to adjust and know its way around. Just like anybody you first come to know as a stranger, our minds are the same and it could be our potential best friend or worst enemy. You can make the effort to understand her strengths and weaknesses to make the "relationship" work or you can resist, resent it and feel like it is a battle and challenge every day and feel the need to fight against it all day long. It is a choice we all have and we can make it work to our advantage.

Meditation doesn't necessarily mean sitting in a chair or on a floor and just closing your eyes in a dead quiet room that could echo your breath and forcing your mind to stop the chatter. In the beginning, this would probably be counter-active to your first step of taking the leap to have control of your mind. It would probably work better if you used other tools or routines to help jump-start your mind and introduce new positive things and subjects into it before you begin to sift and sort.

Yoga is one of the methods that best serves as a physical and also a mental workout, producing best results for both body and mind. Because you literally hold your own physical body as your object of attention, all the focus and concentration put on it will ultimately produce positive results if you commit wholeheartedly and go into the postures with intent and give it your undivided attention. If you do it consciously for a full 60 - 90 minutes every day, that would definitely lead you feeling a whole lot better re-leasing all kinds of tensions and stress in your body and mind with your attention taken away from any feelings of negativity in that frame of time and put right onto your physical body directly to tone and strengthen. It is by far one of the most effective practices for easily distracted individuals.

You can of course pick up a quieter and more subtle routine and habit like a good self-development read, (if exercising is a big issue for you for whatever reason) books of a positive nature and feed your mind with more "good stuff" so that you can "fill it up" with new knowledge that are applicable in your daily activities and one that serves you well. Painting nature also serves as an extremely good way to put your attention on bright colors and natural feel-good settings and environment over a good period of an hour straight, uninterrupted with your mind stationed in a good, happy place.

It is a little obscure as people always have this idea that only professional artists can pick up that paintbrush to do something like that. But really, you don't need to be Picasso to attempt to engage in this activity. If you have a love for nature, it will not be a difficult task for you to set your eyes on it for a full hour, however your painting turn out to become is totally irrelevant and only serves as an outlet to grab hold of your attention.

The more positive activities and attitudes you choose to include into your daily life activities, the easier the road to be able to sit down and literally do nothing and naturally be able to quiet you mind comes quickly. You will no longer have to use external tools to aid you in doing so. It will just be you, your space and your mind. That is the ultimate goal eventually. Not having to meditate while you're in an awkward pose (yoga) or having to set your eyes on something beautiful to do so (nature) will be the best outlet to go about because you take yourself and your mind everywhere you go, literally.

You can't always carry your yoga mat with you 24/7 or readily have paints and brushes in your bag pack or a new book constantly at the back of your palms so if you can eventually do it with nothing in your hands or on your plate to "keep you occupied", you have successfully achieved the best method to do your meditation. To simply just sit there, close your eyes and let it all go. (Negative thoughts and feelings) To allow well-being to enter with ease and flow, making the shift to the positive space of every-thing you ever desired for and want in your life.

My latest Book "Pause. Breathe. Shift." is now available worldwide on Amazon. (Special Offer / Promo)

This is a book specially written with my deep love nurtured for diversity, growth and development to uplift, inspire and lead you one step closer to living the life that is free of emotional struggles towards your health, relationships, food and everything that matters most to you learning how to make the shift in your perspective towards negative circumstances and living your life out to its fullest potential.

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