“This kiss for the whole world!” | Beethoven's 9th Symphony

The climax from the chorus to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is one of the most esteemed piece of music ever written—indeed, it was chosen by the European Union, as its anthem—and is the perfect illustration to show how fabulously TRANSFORMING the finding of understanding of the human condition is for your life, and the lives of everyone else. A chorus of human voices rising to a crescendo of excitement over a glorious, culminating, victorious breakthrough in the human journey. It’s an expression of immense jubilation about a fabulous time of triumph and relief, a time, in fact, when the human race is finally liberated from the agony of the human condition—as the words sung in the chorus of voices actually proclaim: ‘Joy’, ‘Joyful, as a hero to victory!’ ‘Join in our jubilation!’ ‘We enter, drunk with fire, into your sanctuary… Your magic reunites… All men become brothers… All good, all bad… Be embraced, millions! This kiss for the whole world!’ These lyrics reflect an anticipation of a fabulous time when all humans will be ‘drunk with fire’, in a state of absolute #Joy and #jubilation, when ‘the kiss’ of the liberating, all-redeeming, all-uplifting, all-healing and all-TRANSFORMING understanding of the human condition is finally found to ‘reunite’ ‘all’ people, both the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’—the time when we are at last able to reconcile our capacities for ‘good and evil’ with compassionate understanding. As has been explained, the issue of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in the human make-up is the issue of the human condition. Learn more about this biological breakthrough explanation of the human condition by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith in FREE videos & books (no email needed) https://www.humancondition.com

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