Missing Links with Gregg Braden - Heart-Brain Harmony - S1:Ep10 | Gaia

Watch all episodes of Missing Links with Gregg Braden on Gaia - https://bit.ly/2V6RuDh Alfred Wallace, a contemporary of Charles Darwin, stated that nature never over-endows a species beyond its needs for existence. But as we will soon see, humanity is indeed genetically over-endowed. The mysterious fusion of human DNA, 200,000 years ago, did more than just produce the first anatomically modern human. It created a being with amazing abilities that are still awaiting to be awakened. Gregg Braden expounds upon the science underlying the untapped human potential, which becomes active when we learn how to help the heart and brain work in harmony. Watch all episodes of Missing Links with Gregg Braden on Gaia - https://bit.ly/2V6RuDh About Gaia: Gaia offers the largest resource of consciousness expanding videos. Answer life's deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia— a member-supported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being. You can experience Gaia in English, Spanish, German, or French. We offer original, dubbed or subtitled content in these languages. Join hundreds of thousands of members in 185 countries in awakening your consciousness. Connect with Gaia: Visit Gaia WEBSITE: https://www.gaia.com/

Hidden History 1 - Academic Elitism

In the world of academia, one must play by a certain set of rules or risk being labeled a renegade and discredited. The scholars and scientists possess a very effective arsenal of weapons which includes personal attacks, pressure tactics, censorship, data rejection, and suppression to name a few. Many people call the use of these weapons a conspiracy against the truth. However, the Archive believes it is more insidious than that and constitutes an overall behavioral mentality that inherently leads the academic scholars and scientists to what is known as confirmation bias and elitism. So, the monitors of "good thinking" are not just the elite of the scientific community, as we have seen in several cases; they are television producers and even social platform engineers as well. It seems clear that they are all driven by the singular imperative of furthering public science education through the tactic of group thinking. Topics: CASE 1: Age of Sphinx and Great Pyramid CASE 2: Evidence of Mankind's Great Anitquity CASE 3: 250,000 Year-Old Artifacts in Mexico CASE 4: The Waipoua Forest CASE 5: The Takla Makan Desert mummies Defense of Darwinism at All Costs Thank you for viewing this presentation. The Archive appreciates your time and encourages you to explore our channel. Archive Memberships Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq4G... Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/ancientastron... Website: http://www.ancientastronautarchive.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AncientAstro... CONTENT DISCLAIMER: IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 13, TURN OFF THIS VIDEO IMMEDIATELY. THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO IS NOT MADE FOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE 13. All video presentations on the Ancient Astronaut Archive YouTube channel are original productions and are not duplicated or reused third party productions. Some content included in our presentations may derive from public domain sources. If such content is included in an Archive presentation, it is presented at a level where its transformative nature meets with YouTube Terms of Use, Community and Partner guidelines. All musical audio tracks are either sourced from YouTube’s Audio Library or third-party websites that issued copyright licenses through verifiable purchase contracts.

Why The 'Red Pill' Has Become So Big

Has humanity had many instances prior to right now for a mass awakening to how our world truly functions? Have we ignored those previous events? Have you asked yourself what you want your world to truly look like? Support CE here: https://cetv.one/

Quantum Systems

Here are some articles and research that may offer some support with what we are trying to accomplish here on Sapien Medicine. Experimental evidence is now available demonstrating the macroscopic quantum properties of biological systems including coherent excitations, quantum coherence, quantum tunneling and single-photon phenomenon. Non-local interactions between humans has been demonstrated clinically using intercessory prayer and healing at a distance. At the cellular level, new data indicates that light can carry bio-information between cellular systems. Garieaev demonstrated that a laser, passed through a salamander embryo, could carry genetic bio-information and deliver it to a frog embryo. DNA in the frog embryo could decode this information and use it to mature into a salamander. Another Italian researcher, Pier Luigi Ighina, a longtime collaborator with Guglielmo Marconi, created a means of recording the field of an apple tree, which he then transmitted to a peach tree for sixteen days, at which time it had effectively become an apple tree, producing real, edible apples. These anomalous results can be readily explained if we consider distant communication between two biological systems as a coherent interaction between two quantum systems. Accordingly, several theoretical models have been proposed based on the quantum properties of biological systems. These involve quantum entanglement, quantum superposition and the spontaneous collapse of the wave function. It is proposed here, that quantum fields are emitted and detected by each quantum system which carry and transfer quantum information between biological systems. These are scientific researchers burning ahead on the pathway to understanding the nature of our reality and how to work with it. Nonetheless, it is all interesting stuff and you can read more in the links below. Cited from *Glen Rein has a PhD in biochemistry, was an Assistant Professor at Mt. Sinai Med School & didproduct development in a Fortune 500 Company for 14 years. Currently doing contract and original biomedical/biophysics research under Quantum Biology Res Lab.* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqeBW... https://www.svpvril.com/ighina/magato...

From Wrinkles to Muscle Mass: How GenF20 Plus Can Improve Your Overall Health

Are you feeling tired, run-down, and just not like your old self? As we age, our bodies go through changes that can leave us feeling less en...