What Created GOD? BANNED Book Reveals Dark TRUTH...by MorgueOfficial

What Created GOD? BANNED Book Reveals Dark TRUTH...

"Exploring the Hidden Teachings: A Different Perspective on God and Creation" https://youtu.be/RNdeq10L2js

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The question of what or who created God has plagued many of us at various points in our lives. We're often met with the unsatisfying answer that God just is, and that the concept of God is beyond our human comprehension. However, what if there were answers to this question that we're yet to discover?

In my journey, I discovered that there were secret teachings in the early sects of Christianity, teachings that the church deliberately obliterated. Hidden throughout history and suppressed by those in power, there exists a multitude of banned books, texts that are said to contain answers to questions that mainstream religious institutions prefer to leave unanswered. One such book is the Secret Book of John, a banned book that presents an entirely different perspective of God and creation.

Contrary to the God we're familiar with from regular church teachings, the Secret Book of John portrays a God that is much more complex and intriguing. This God is possessive and jealous, requiring obedience, worship, and even human sacrifice. This raises questions, why would an omnipotent God need constant reassurance and worship? Why the repeated declarations that there is no other God? Could there be more we're not being told?

The Secret Book of John suggests that the God we've been taught about is actually a God of darkness who has trapped us here on Earth. It further reveals that salvation isn't achieved through obedience, worship, or even faith. Rather, it is achieved through knowledge and understanding of our true nature and our place in the cosmos. The book even suggests that it was Jesus himself who led Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge.

"The Secret Book of John: A Different Perspective on Biblical Narratives and Divine Entities"

According to the Secret Book of John, it was Jesus who led Adam and Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit. This act, typically blamed on Lucifer in mainstream Christianity, is portrayed as the first step towards human salvation in this book.

The plot thickens when the book suggests that the God who created Earth and trapped humanity on it is a God of darkness. Then, who is the real God? The Secret Book of John introduces a more powerful divine entity known as the One. It describes the One as an entity that reigns supreme, with nothing possessing authority over it. The One is depicted as whole and self-sufficient, requiring nothing. It is the perfect embodiment of light.


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The true God, as per the Secret Book of John, is a divine mind of pure light and thought, transcending all physical limitations of this reality. Another startling revelation is that the entity of darkness, which we've been led to believe is God, is actually a creation of this divine mind. However, its creation was unintentional, an outcome of a moment of discord when a being of light, Sophia, acted out of alignment with the divine mind.

This entity of darkness introduced chaos and created our physical reality, a dream world. It trapped fragments of the divine mind within this world, encapsulating them in bodies. And who are these fragments of the divine mind? It's us, every single human being on this planet. As per the ancient forbidden text, we are the embodiments of the divine mind.

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"Exploring the Divine Creation through Esoteric Texts and Mathematical Concepts"

We are fragments of the One, we are God. This perspective likely explains the church's discomfort with the Secret Book of John. But circling back to our initial question: What created God? The Secret Book of John suggests that the God we've come to understand through mainstream Christianity was unintentionally created due to a disturbance in the mind of the One. This being of darkness birthed a dream world, entrapping fragments of the divine mind within it. However, all of this still takes place within the mind of the One. Our physical reality is just a dream, and we are dreamers, oblivious that we're in a dream.

But what created the One, the real God? The Secret Book of John describes it as eternal, but how can anything exist without a cause or a beginning? It suggests that the One is beyond our comprehension, ironically claiming that ultimate truth is unknowable in a book about knowledge.

To delve further, we turn to the Kabbalah, an ancient esoteric knowledge system originating in Judaism. It shares similarities with the Secret Book of John, such as the concept of a divine mind, in this case known as Ein Sof or the Endless One. Kabbalah also presents the material world as an illusion and proposes that through understanding the interplay of the sefirot (stages or aspects of the divine), we can gain insight into God and our own divine potential. However, the Kabbalah claims that Ein Sof, the divine mind, is both absolutely everything and nothing, which seems contradictory and incomprehensible.

This realization leads us to the concept of zero. More than just an empty number, zero represents the void, the nothingness that precedes and follows all creation, the canvas upon which reality is painted. Perhaps our answer lies within this concept. To decipher the secrets of zero, we need to explore a mathematical understanding of existence.

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Pythagoras, the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, posited that reality is fundamentally mathematical, not physical. He declared, "All is number and number rules the universe." Devotees of Pythagoras, known as Pythagoreans, revered a symbol known as the tetractys. This symbol, a triangle of ten dots arranged in four rows, represented the emanation of all existence from a singular point of unity.

This concept bears a striking resemblance to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, rooted in the Endless One, and the One from the Secret Book of John, the sources from which all reality springs. Each of these doctrines tells a similar story, but each adds a unique nuance. The Pythagoreans, in their prayers to the tetractys, would say, "Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men. Oh, holy, holy tetractys, thou that containest the roots and the source of the eternally flowing creation." They believed that the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity. So, where does this take us?

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The Secret Book of John proposes that all reality exists within a divine mind. The Kabbalah suggests that this divine mind is simultaneously everything and nothing, while the Pythagorean philosophy asserts that reality is fundamentally mathematical, emanating from a singular point. Each of these esoteric systems provides a piece of the God puzzle.

While the notion from the Kabbalah that the divine is both everything and nothing seems contradictory, it becomes less so when we consider the mathematical nature of reality. In mathematics, the sum of all positive and negative values perfectly balances to zero, hence everything is indeed nothing. In this context, absolutely everything is also absolutely nothing, as all positive and negative values equate to a perfect zero. Thus, the divine mind is an infinite zero.

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Exploring the Concept of 'Zeta': Understanding Divine Existence and Our Role in the Universe

The Secret Book of John implies that all reality is within a divine mind. The Kabbalah suggests this divine mind is both everything and nothing, and Pythagorean philosophy posits that reality is fundamentally mathematical, emanating from a single point. We've pieced together these clues to arrive at the concept of an entity that is one, infinite, and zero simultaneously, which in the Neo-Genian system, I've termed a 'Zeta'. A Zeta is an entity embodying infinite fullness within itself, yet voids to zero. It's the intersection of everything and nothing. In the esoteric systems we've explored, the One could be called the infinite, the void, or a Zeta.

Intriguingly, we too are Zetas. We are unique expressions of the divine mind, pieces of the infinite puzzle that collectively form the one. We are the one, expressing ourselves through a multitude of souls and the vast variety of life. Just like the One is both everything and nothing, it's both one and many.

What created God? According to our findings, nothing created God. God is nothing. God is the void from which all things emerge, the silent backdrop against which the symphony of existence plays. The divine mind, the One, is a void teeming with infinite potential. It's an eternal nothingness that gives birth to everything by rearranging its internal mathematical information, much like a computer code that rearranges its information to generate a video game world.

The issue isn't that God can't be known, it's that God is nothingness, which is difficult to grasp. When the ancients encountered nothing, they mistakenly thought God couldn't be known. By viewing zero as infinitely full of every possible value, both positive and negative, rather than empty, we gain insight into the nature of existence.

We are God. Together, we collectively form the one mind, the absolute. Each one of us is a Zeta, an entity that is simultaneously one, infinite, and zero. This physical reality is a grand stage for us, the Gods, to explore the infinite possibilities of existence.

What we were looking for is what was doing the looking. We are the infinite nothingness of existence that birthed everything from its internal mathematical fullness, and we got lost in our own creation. We are infinite beings who fooled ourselves into believing we're finite. We tricked ourselves into believing we're embodied beings. We got lost in our dream of the universe.

Nothing created God because God is nothing, a nothing that is an infinite fullness. This nothingness needs no creator. It exists by its inherent properties. Nothingness always is, always has been, and always will be. This is the great revelation, the secret knowledge, the hidden truth.

We are infinite beings who purposefully lost ourselves in our creation to experience the thrill of finite existence. The truth is that we are God and God is us. Now, this is important: always remember to explore, to question, to seek. You hold the power of understanding within you. You are the divine mind that holds infinite possibilities. The answers are in you. You are a Zeta. We all are. We are the creators of our own reality, the dreamers of our own dreams, the Gods of our universe.


Sanskrit Prayer by Kalidasa for the new day ahead! Inspired by Nick Polizzi Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness & Founder of The Sacred Science

Here is the translation for the Sanskrit prayer by Kalidasa, an Indian playwright and poet who was active during the 4th and 5th Century AD.

David Clarke - Unsplash photo
Look to this day,
for it is life, the very breath of life.
In its brief course lie
all the realities of your existence;
the bliss of growth,
the glory of action,
the splendor of beauty.
For yesterday is only a dream,
and tomorrow is but a vision.
But today, well lived,
makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,
and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.

So no matter how busy your day looks or feels like, take a deep breath and say this prayer in a mindful manner, focusing on every word and its meaning to you.

Let's get into the habit of living in the moment for the rest of our days!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Your attention is sincerely appreciated.

image by Silvia from Pixabay

Guided Meditation: Mindful Breathing Anchoring

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The Power Of Intention And Manifestation

Do you believe that your thoughts and intentions have the power to manifest into reality? The concept of manifestation has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people claiming that they've experienced its power firsthand. It's said that by focusing on our desires and manifesting them through positive thinking and visualization, we can attract abundance, success, and happiness into our lives.

However, some might dismiss this as mere wishful thinking or new age nonsense. But what if there was scientific evidence to support the idea of manifestation? What if it wasn't just a matter of "thinking positively", but actually tapping into the fundamental laws of the universe? In this article, we'll explore the power of intention and manifestation - both from a spiritual perspective and a scientific one - to see whether there's any truth behind these claims. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, keep reading to discover how harnessing the power of your mind could change your life for the better.

👍Consciousness Expansion. Tap Into The Universe.

Understanding Intention And Manifestation

When we talk about the power of intention and manifestation, it's like painting a picture in your mind. The canvas is blank until you decide what to create. That's where understanding intention and manifestation comes into play. It's about using our thoughts and emotions to bring forth our desires into reality.

Intention is simply setting an aim or purpose for yourself. Manifestation is bringing that idea into existence through the help of the universe. When we set intentions with clarity and conviction, we are opening ourselves up to cosmic healing transformation. It allows us to take control of our lives by creating positive change within ourselves and around us.

Manifesting requires more than just hoping for something to come true - it demands effort on our part too. By focusing our energy towards a goal, we attract opportunities that align with our vision. This process can manifest as new jobs, relationships, experiences and so much more!

Understanding intention and manifestation isn't enough; we must also learn techniques for harnessing this power effectively. In the next section, I'll discuss some simple but effective methods that anyone can use to tap into their inner potential!

Techniques For Harnessing The Power Of Intention And Manifestation

To truly harness the power of intention and manifestation, it is important to have effective techniques at your disposal. One such technique is visualization. By creating a clear mental image of what you want to manifest, you can plant the seed in your subconscious mind and attract it into your reality. Another powerful technique is affirmations, which involve repeating positive statements about yourself or your desired outcome until they become ingrained in your belief system. Additionally, setting specific goals and taking action towards achieving them can also help bring your intentions to fruition.

However, it's important to remember that intention and manifestation are not magic spells that will instantly grant all of our wishes. It takes consistent effort and dedication to align our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions with our desires. Furthermore, we must learn to let go of attachment to outcomes and trust in the universe's timing and wisdom.

In applying these principles to daily life, we can begin by identifying areas where we would like to see growth or change. We can then set clear intentions for what we want to create or experience in those areas and take inspired action towards those goals while remaining open-minded and adaptable along the way. With patience, perseverance, and faith in ourselves and the universe, anything is possible.

👍Consciousness Expansion. Tap Into The Universe.

Applying Intention And Manifestation In Daily Life

Ah, the power of intention and manifestation. It's a concept that has gained popularity in recent years, promising to help us achieve our dreams and desires through positive thinking and focused energy. But how do we actually apply this in our daily lives? How can we harness this power to create real change?

Firstly, it's important to understand that intention and manifestation aren't just about wishing for things to happen; they require action on our part too. We need to actively work towards our goals while maintaining a positive mindset. This may involve setting clear intentions, visualizing success, or even creating vision boards as reminders of what we're working towards.

Another key aspect is being open to receiving abundance from unexpected sources. Sometimes, the universe has different plans for us than what we had originally intended - but if we remain open-minded and flexible, we may find ourselves pleasantly surprised by the opportunities that come our way.

Of course, it's also important to remember that not every attempt at manifesting will be successful - and that's okay! Failure can be an opportunity for growth and learning. The most important thing is to keep trying, stay focused on your intentions, and believe in yourself.

In summary, applying intention and manifestation in daily life requires both mental focus and physical action. By staying true to our goals while remaining open to new possibilities, we can create a powerful force for positive change in our lives. So go forth with confidence - you never know what amazing things might be waiting around the corner!


In conclusion, the power of intention and manifestation is a force that can transform our lives. By setting clear intentions and focusing on positive outcomes, we can manifest our desires into reality. This process requires patience, persistence, and trust in the universe to bring us what we need.

As I reflect on my own experiences with intention and manifestation, I am reminded of the quote by Mahatma Gandhi: "Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny." By harnessing the power of intention and manifestation, we have the ability to shape our own destinies and create a life filled with joy and abundance. So let us set our intentions high and watch as they manifest before our very eyes.

👍Consciousness Expansion. Tap Into The Universe.


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Talking about telocracy is like turning on a lamp in a dark room, suddenly we can see the world a little more clearly!

 Telocracy, a term coined by the political philosopher, Robert A. Dahl, refers to a form of governance where power is distributed among those who possess expertise and knowledge in specific fields. In this system, decision-making is not based on the popular vote but relies on the input of individuals with expertise in the relevant areas. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Telocracy, exploring its definition, characteristics, historical evolution, implementation, and impact. We will examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of Telocracy as a form of governance, and compare it with other common forms of governance. Finally, we will consider its future implications and whether Telocracy is a sustainable model for modern societies.

Introduction to Telocracy: Definition and Key Characteristics

What is Telocracy?

Telocracy is a form of governance that emphasizes competency, expertise, and knowledge as the basis for decision-making. The term "telos" means "goal" or "purpose" in Greek, and Telocracy's main focus is to achieve the best outcome for the organization, community, or society it governs.

Principles and Values of Telocratic Governance

Telocratic governance has several principles and values that guide decision-making. These include meritocracy, transparency, accountability, and efficiency. In a telocracy, leaders and decision-makers are selected based on their competence and qualifications, and their decisions are made with the goal of achieving the best possible outcome for the greater good.

The Evolution and History of Telocratic Governance

The Origins of Telocracy

The concept of Telocracy can be traced back to ancient Greece, where the idea of choosing leaders based on their knowledge and expertise was used in various fields, including philosophy, science, and politics. However, the modern concept of Telocracy and its use in governance can be traced back to the late 20th century.

How Telocratic Governance has Developed Over Time

Telocracy has evolved over time, with different countries and organizations using it in various ways. In some countries, such as Singapore, Telocracy has been implemented in governance, with leaders and decision-makers selected based on their merits and qualifications. In other organizations, Telocracy has been used to select leaders and decision-makers in specific fields or areas of expertise, such as in scientific research or technology development.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Telocracy as a Form of Governance

Advantages of Telocracy

One of the main advantages of Telocracy is that it ensures that organizations and societies are led by competent and qualified individuals who are capable of making informed decisions. This can lead to more efficient and effective decision-making, which in turn can result in better outcomes for the organization or society.

Disadvantages of Telocracy

One of the challenges of Telocracy is that it can sometimes lead to a lack of diversity and representation in decision-making. This is because the focus is primarily on qualifications and expertise, and other factors such as gender, race, and socioeconomic status may not be taken into account. Additionally, Telocracy can sometimes lead to a lack of accountability, as decisions are made by a select group of individuals who may not be accountable to the broader community or society they serve.

Telocracy in Practice: Case Study Examples

Telocratic Governance in Singapore

Singapore is often cited as an example of Telocratic governance in practice. The country's leaders are selected based on their qualifications and merits, and this has been credited with the country's economic success, as well as its ability to efficiently respond to various crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Implementation of Telocracy in an Organization

Telocracy can also be implemented in organizations, where leaders and decision-makers are selected based on their expertise and qualifications. This can lead to more efficient and effective decision-making, as well as improved outcomes for the organization. However, it is important to ensure that other factors, such as diversity and accountability, are also taken into account.

Critiques and Reservations about Telocracy

Telocracy is a newly emerging form of governance that has its fair share of critiques and reservations. Some of the arguments against telocracy include the lack of accountability and transparency in decision-making processes. The fact that telocracies allow leaders to make decisions based on their expertise and experience raises concerns about the representation of diverse viewpoints and the accessibility of decision-making processes to the public.

Arguments Against Telocracy

One of the main arguments against telocracy is that it can lead to a lack of accountability and transparency in decision-making processes. Without democratic checks and balances, telocracies may become prone to corruption and abuse of power. Additionally, the potential for the selection of experts to be biased towards a particular field may result in the marginalization of certain perspectives and interests.

Limitations of Telocratic Governance

Another limitation of telocratic governance is the potential for the selection of experts to be arbitrary and undemocratic. This may result in a lack of representation of diverse interests and viewpoints, leading to the exclusion of certain groups from decision-making processes. Additionally, the reliance on expertise may undermine the importance of values such as fairness, equality, and justice, which are fundamental principles of democratic governance.

Comparing Telocracy with other Forms of Governance

To better understand telocracy, it is essential to compare it with other forms of governance, such as democracy and autocracy.

Telocracy vs Democracy

Unlike democracy, where decisions are made through free and fair elections, telocracies rely on the expertise of its leaders to make decisions. However, unlike democracy, telocracies are not necessarily concerned with representation, and their decision-making processes are not always transparent.

Telocracy vs Autocracy

In contrast to autocratic governance, where decisions are made by a single ruler or a small group of individuals, telocracies prioritize expertise and experience in decision-making processes. However, like autocracies, telocracies may favor the interests of a particular group or individual over the public.

Future Prospects and Implications of Telocratic Governance

The rise of telocratic governance has significant implications for the future of governance worldwide.

The Potential Impact of Telocratic Governance on Societies

One potential impact of telocratic governance is the potential to produce more efficient decision-making processes. Additionally, the reliance on expertise could potentially result in more effective policies that address complex societal issues.

Challenges and Opportunities for the Future of Telocracy

Despite the potential benefits of telocracy, there are many challenges that must be addressed. These include the potential for corruption and abuse of power, the lack of democratic representation, and the potential marginalization of certain groups from decision-making processes.

Conclusion: Is Telocracy the way forward for modern societies?

As we have seen, there are various critiques, reservations, and limitations of telocratic governance. However, it is also evident that telocratic governance has its unique advantages that can potentially contribute to more effective and efficient decision-making processes.

The Prospects of Telocracy in the Contemporary World

Telocracy is still a relatively new form of governance, and there is much to be learned about its potential benefits and drawbacks. However, it is evident that telocracy has the potential to make a significant impact in contemporary societies.

The Future of Governance: Telocracy or other forms of government?

The future of governance is uncertain, and it is likely that there will be a continued debate between the merits of various forms of government, including telocracy. However, it is essential to maintain a critical perspective and continue to explore the potential benefits and limitations of these forms of governance to ensure that we can build a more just and equitable world.In conclusion, Telocracy offers a unique and innovative approach to governance, which can be highly effective in certain situations. However, it is not without its challenges and limitations. Ultimately, the feasibility and sustainability of this system of governance will depend on a multitude of factors, including culture, education, and the structure of the economy. While Telocracy may not be the perfect solution for all societies, it certainly offers a thought-provoking perspective on governance that should be explored further.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between Telocracy and Democracy?

Telocracy and democracy are two different forms of governance. Democracy is a system where power rests with the majority of citizens, who have an equal say in making decisions, while Telocracy is a system where power is distributed among experts with knowledge in specific areas.

Can Telocracy be implemented in any society?

Implementing Telocracy depends on a variety of factors, including the culture, education, and structure of the economy in a society. Therefore, it may not be practical or suitable for all societies.

What are the potential benefits of Telocracy?

Telocracy can offer benefits such as efficient decision-making, expertise-based governance, and the avoidance of uninformed decisions made by unqualified individuals.

What are the criticisms of Telocracy?

Critics of Telocracy argue that it can lead to technocracy, where those with knowledge become the ruling class, and can exclude the larger public from decision-making. Furthermore, it could be difficult to achieve a fair representation of experts.

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