10 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

Many of us make health-related resolutions, such as to lose weight, stop smoking or join the neighborhood health club. While it is common to set high goals, experts say that setting smaller goals could do more for our health. 

"Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine," says James O. Hill, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. "They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change." 

Here are 10 to try:

1. Stop gaining weight. Even if you gain just a pound or two every year, the extra weight adds up quickly. 

2. Take more small steps. Use a pedometer to count your daily steps; then add 2,000, the equivalent of one extra mile. Keep adding steps, 1,000 to 2,000 each month or so, until you take 10,000 steps on most days.

3. Eat breakfast. Breakfast eaters tend to weigh less and have better diets overall. For a filling and nutrition-packed breakfast, top Whole Grain Muesli with fresh fruit slices and low-fat or fat-free milk. 

4. Switch three grain servings each day to whole grain. If you're like the average American, you eat less than one whole grain serving a day. 

5. Have at least one green salad every day. Eating a salad (with low-fat or fat-free dressing) is filling and may help you eat less during the meal. It also counts toward your five daily cups of vegetables and fruits.

6. Trim the fat. Fat has a lot of calories, and calories count. Purchase lean meats, eat poultry without the skin, switch to lower-fat cheeses, use a nonstick pan with only a dab of oil or butter.

7. Consider calcium by including two or three daily servings of low-fat or fat-free milk or yogurt. Dairy calcium is good for bones and may also help you lose weight.

8. Downsize. The smaller the bag, bottle or bowl, the less you will eat. 

9. Lose just 5 to 10 percent of your current weight. The health benefits are huge-lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides.

10. Keep track of your eating. Write down what you eat over the next couple of days and look for problem spots. Often, just writing things down can help you eat less.

Mindy Hermann

Healing Code to Reveal Your True Identity At The Higher Levels

Credit: https://lightinternal.com/divine-healing-codes-and-how-to-use-them/

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work. 
There are three ways to use the codes:
The spaces between the numbers are part of the code, do not omit them.
Copy and use the numbers exactly as written to active their power
Placing the codes in the energy field of the body is all that is required, they do not need to be in the exact part of the body that holds discomfort.
write the codes in the air, big or small, you decide
write the codes on a note, place it in your pocket, purse, or under your pillow
draw the codes with your finger on your body.
Relax, you cannot do this wrong. Love and the power of your intent are controlling the outcome.

Isabel Henn asks for this to be included in this document from this time forward–at the request of Divine Mother:
“This assembly of codes and the instruction how to use them is NEVER to be sold, but always to be shared free and without any claim or exchange. It is written for the free use of all humans and all beings as I give the codes for the free use to ALL. Each human, each being has a right to use these codes free and without charge. It is also not allowed to change this assembly, unless I give my appropriate personal order for this. Without the authorization through me or as a transfer against exchange the codes will be useless, because they request a certain consciousness and a certain frequency level of the people so that they can be used. I tell you this to stop any ideas for this purpose before they even begin. This is a living document; all new codes and the links to the messages shall be integrated here.
And please remember the spaces in the number sequences as they are important. Without them the codes won’t work but it would lead to far to explain it here. Be careful to write the number codes correctly.”

8 Ways You Get Great Results With Glyconutrients

 1- Drink Pure Spring Water. As an absolute minimum, take your body weight in lbs, divide by 2 & drink that many ounces of Pure Spring Water everyday so that your cells get 'bathed' in a bath of Glyconutrients. For example a 120lb woman would drink a minimum of 60 oz of pure spring water per day.

2- Consume Fiber. Using a high-quality fiber supplement or eating a diet very high in fiber & in raw vegetables will enhance the results you get from your glyconutrients.

3- Don't take glyconutrients of any kind on an empty stomach. Why? No, it won't hurt you, but your body will burn it for energy. That is expensive energy. Glyconutrients are best absorbed when mixed with food or stirred into a drink.

 4- Do not take fiber supplements within 1 hour of any other supplement.

5- Give Your Body Time to Start Healing. Most conditions develop gradually over many years(or even decades). Just like getting sick, getting well takes time. I have seen many people see no results until the 4th or even 6th month on the discount glyconutrients. Why? It takes months(or even years) for your body to replace sick cells with healthy ones. To learn more about this go to: How soon should I expect to experience the effects of dietary supplements? By Jane Ramberg, MS @ Glycoscience.org .

6- Enhance Your absorption of Glyconutrients. According to Dr. Milner you can enhance your absorption of your discount glyconutrients by simply NOT swallowing your them--instead, you do two easy things:

a. let them dissolve in your mouth, so that it is absorbed in the mouth, not in the stomach (this takes about 1 minute). You do not need water to do this--your saliva is more than sufficient.

b. take smaller amounts more often, like 1/8 or 1/4 of a teaspoon at a time, through out the day, like every hour or two. I have started doing this myself, and I recommend it to you.

(Dr. Martin Milner is the President and Medical Director of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, a Professor of Cardiology, and a research scientist at the Center for Natural Medicine, Inc. Dr. Milner is also a man of great humility and courage to have made a public "confession" and apology in front of 6400 men and women at an international conference at the Dallas Stadium in Texas in March of 2004. Dr. Milner publicly admitted, that for SEVEN YEARS, he had ignored the Glyconutrient technology, and had assumed that the passion many people had about it was based on hype and misguided enthusiasm over nothing of real significance. After all, if it was that significant, surely he would have known about it. He thanked God that someone finally got through to him--that when he actually took time to investigate this new science and technology, he confessed that he had MISSED one of the most significant discoveries of the century. Now Dr. Milner is doing his best to make up for lost time by educating other doctors on this amazing new technology, and of course has ALL his patients on this "edible health insurance.")

7- Use ALL THREE of the basic products: Glyco-Antioxidant, Phytosterol, food-based vitamin. These three products represent four sciences that work together synergistically, like the four wheels on a car work together:

- Cellular communication provided by the glyconutrients

- Anti-Oxidant protection from free radicals and "internal terrorists"

- Natural plant hormones provided by the phytosterol

- Essential vitamins and minerals in a food form state for maximum assimilation provided by the food-based vitamin.

You wouldn't settle for just one or two tires would you? Don't settle for less than what you need either!

8- Take Enough Glyconutrients to satisfy your body's need. Keep in mind that the suggested serving size you see on the label of your glyconutrients supplement bottle is a suggested minimum for young adults in "good" health. If you are unsure what amount is right for you please contact your representative. When buying glyconutrients, remember that a container may not last you a even month if you have a health challenge.

Note: Legal Disclaimer: Glyconutrients are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, but scientific studies have been documented linking the ingestion of certain food nutrients, and the prevention of chronic disease. The information given is not intended to be a substitute for a physician's proven care & advice.

SPADE Nutrition: More than 50 nutrient-rich superfood sources in one incredible blend!

Is Immortality Possible? Yes, it is! Aging Secrets – Exposed! True Arguments for Skeptics!


Do You Want To Be Immortal? Immortality Secrets Revealed!

We live in a world where everything is possible; we live in a Universe full of limitless possibilities. Everything can be achieved; everything can be discovered (including the idea of living forever). Immortality is possible. The thought of you being immortal gives you hope and enthusiasm.

I’ve written this article to answer to some of your questions:

Is immortality possible?

How is Law of Attraction related to Immortality?

Why do we have wrinkles when we get old?

Do our inner beliefs influence our aging process?

NOTE: If you truly want to understand the fact that immortality is possible, and that your beliefs create your reality, first you must check out the Immortality Secrets Program !

Healing code for Recapturing Lost 'Spark' in Relationships but only if it is for the Highest Good of all

Healing code for Recapturing Lost 'Spark' in Relationships  but only if it is for the Highest Good of all; to ‘reconnect’.  (please note this is very high energy, and has two extra digits at the end of the healing code)

Credit: https://lightinternal.com/divine-healing-codes-and-how-to-use-them/

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work. 
There are three ways to use the codes:
The spaces between the numbers are part of the code, do not omit them.
Copy and use the numbers exactly as written to active their power
Placing the codes in the energy field of the body is all that is required, they do not need to be in the exact part of the body that holds discomfort.
write the codes in the air, big or small, you decide
write the codes on a note, place it in your pocket, purse, or under your pillow
draw the codes with your finger on your body.
Relax, you cannot do this wrong. Love and the power of your intent are controlling the outcome.

Isabel Henn asks for this to be included in this document from this time forward–at the request of Divine Mother:
“This assembly of codes and the instruction how to use them is NEVER to be sold, but always to be shared free and without any claim or exchange. It is written for the free use of all humans and all beings as I give the codes for the free use to ALL. Each human, each being has a right to use these codes free and without charge. It is also not allowed to change this assembly, unless I give my appropriate personal order for this. Without the authorization through me or as a transfer against exchange the codes will be useless, because they request a certain consciousness and a certain frequency level of the people so that they can be used. I tell you this to stop any ideas for this purpose before they even begin. This is a living document; all new codes and the links to the messages shall be integrated here.
And please remember the spaces in the number sequences as they are important. Without them the codes won’t work but it would lead to far to explain it here. Be careful to write the number codes correctly.”

7 Ways to Make Alkaline Diet Benefit You

The premise of an alkaline diet is that the nutrients found in supplements, alkalizing foods, and water can  bring the body back to balance. These vitamins, minerals, and herbs infuse the body with new energy, vitality, and better health.

Alkaline foods and water must be consumed in order to provide nutrients the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins in the blood, lymph, tissues, and cells.

When pH balance inside the body is out of balance,  the body tries to correct that sensitive pH balance. That process shows up as uncomfortable symptoms,  including colds, flues, allergies, diseases, viruses, and bacteria.

When the pH level in our body is unbalanced, almost any area of the body can be affected. For example when the nervous system is effected as the result of unbalanced pH balance it shows up in the form of the depression. When cardiovascular system is effected we could have heart disease or experience other heart-related problems, including thickening and hardening of the arteries, coronary heard disease, pain or discomfort in the chest, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart failure. When muscles are effected we often feel fatigue and lack of energy. When skin is effected by improper pH balance we age quicker than normal.

When the body's pH level is in balance, the body reaches ideal weight and corrects negative health challenges naturally.

Transition to a more alkaline healthy diet requires a shift in attitude towards food. The important point to remember is that small changes go a long way. Add more alkaline foods to your diet gradually.

7 Sure-fire ways to make alkaline diet benefit you:

1) Reduce the consumption of sugar and products made from sugar, including soda pop, pies, ice cream, jello, jams & jellies, artificial juices, puddings, doughnuts, corn syrups, chewing gum, sweetened drinks, cookies, breakfast cereals, liqueurs, mixed drinks.
2) Avoid processed foods and condiments including ketchup, salad dressings, pickles, luncheon meats, canned fruits, breads, relish, cheese dips, peanut butter, prepared seafood, frozen vegetables, crackers, canned soups, hot dogs, sausages, sweetened yogurt.

3) Avoid cooking and heating foods and drinks in microwave. 

4) Avoid dairy, meats, fried foods and fast foods.

5) Increase your consumption of raw vegetables and raw fresh fruits (without sugar). You should include raw vegetables in every meal. If your breakfast is so small that you only eat toast or cereal, stop eating toast and take fresh fruits or vegetable juices instead. If your lunches are usually consist of sandwiches  try to substitute it with a raw salad or a vegetable juice. Have a large salad before you eat a heavy entree at dinner. This way, you will be sure to eat all of the salad instead of finding yourself too full to finish it.

6) Grains form the base of a balanced diet and are important in maintaining the alkaline balance in the body. Grains are great source of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, including folic acid, fiber, carbohydrates antioxidants and phytoestrogens. The Department of Food and Science and Nutrition at University of Minnesota determined that consumption of whole grains reduces the risk of chronic diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease. By eating grains you can eat less but feel full. Grains should comprise about 20% of your diet.

7) Don't forget to hydrate. Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of good quality of water each day. Add liquid minerals to increase the quality of water. 

If you follow these easy 7 steps it will allow you to create the proper alkaline balance within your body.

Creating the proper alkaline balance within your body will bring you increased quality of life. You'll start seeing immediate improvements in your health. Your energy will increase, your concentration will be stronger. You'll build strength, stamina, and resistance to diseases. Your entire body will function more efficiently just like it was meant to do.

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

It is a common misconception that coconut oil is bad for you. People all over the world are experiencing the healthy benefits of using coconut oil. It is actually one of the healthiest oils you can consume. Here are the top seven reasons why you should use coconut oil as an alternative to other common cooking oils.

1. Coconut oil doesn't turn to fat in your body.

Unlike many other common oils, like soy (vegetable) and corn, coconut oil won't make you fat. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which are an easy fuel for the body to burn, without turning to fat. Most other cooking oils and fats contain long-chain triglycerides (LCT). LCT's are usually stored as fat. Since coconut oil is a MCT, it is more easily absorbed and converted to energy quicker.

People in the tropics have relied on coconuts as a traditional staple in their diet for centuries. They consume large amounts of coconut oil every day. Instead of getting fatter, it helps them stay healthy, lean and trim. When they switch from coconut oil to our modern oils, they develop obesity and the health problems that our modern society faces.

Some other people who have known this truth for a long time are people who are in the animal feed business. When livestock are fed vegetable oils, they put on weight and produce more fatty meat. When they are fed coconut oil, they become very lean.

2. Coconut oil increases your metabolism. 

Not only does coconut oil convert to energy quicker in your body, it increases your metabolism, which promotes weight loss. Because it boosts your metabolism, it helps your body burn fat more effectively.

Coconut oil may triple your calorie burn. Since coconut oil is a MCT, it is converted to energy so quickly that it creates a lot of heat. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, MCT's burn three times more calories for six hours after a meal than LCT's.

The February 15, 2005 issue of Woman's World magazine stated that coconut oil is the "underground high-metabolism secret."

This is great news for people who have thyroid problems, since coconut oil improves sluggish thyroids by stimulating the production of extra thyroid hormones. Most other common oils, like vegetable (soy) and corn have been shown to inhibit thyroid function.

3. Coconut oil has omega 3 fatty acids. 

Most cooking oils contain omega 6 fatty acids, something we get way too much of in the United States. Our omega 6 to omega 3 ratio should be 1:1 but it is more like 50:1. We need to drastically cut back our omega 6 oils and consume much more omega 3 oils to be healthy. And coconut oil is filled with these healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

4. Coconut oil gives you energy. 

Because of the healthy omega 3 fatty acids and the fact that it increases the metabolism, most people that switch to coconut oil feel a burst of added energy in their daily life. 

This is because coconut oil is natureís richest source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT's), which increase metabolic rates and lead to weight loss. MCT's promote thermogenesis, which increases the body's metabolism, producing energy. 

This is because coconut oil is natureís richest source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT's), which increase metabolic rates and lead to weight loss. MCT's promote thermogenesis, which increases the body's metabolism, producing energy. Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia have found that adding coconut and coconut oil to their diet was helpful to them.

5. One of the best things you can use on your skin and hair is coconut oil. 

Coconut oil one of the best things you can apply directly on your skin and hair. It gives temporary relief to skin problems like rashes. It aids in healing and restoring skin to a younger appearance. It has also been known to help with people who suffer from yeast infections in the skin, as well as many other skin problems.

Not only does is soften and smooth your skin, coconut oil has antioxidant properties that protect the skin from free radical damage. Coconut oil makes excellent massage oil too. 

6. Coconut oil has healthy benefits that most other oils do not.

Evidence is mounting that coconut oil has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects when both consumed and used topically on the skin. 

Most oils oxidize and turn rancid very quickly causing free radical damage in our bodies. Coconut oil is not easily oxidized and does not cause harmful free radical damage like polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Free radical damage is thought to be responsible for many ailments in our body from arthritis to increased susceptibility to cancers.

Coconut oil also helps our bodies absorb other nutrients more effectively, such as Vitamin E.

7. Coconut oil is one of the best oils you can use for cooking. 

It has a higher smoke point than olive oil, which means it can take higher temperatures better. There are several healthy omega 3 oils we can choose to consume, such as flax and olive oil, but they don't do well under the high heat we use for cooking. Coconut oil can be used in higher cooking temperatures.

It is harder for coconut oil to go rancid, unlike other cooking oils, which are usually rancid long before you even bring them home. Rancid oils cause free radical damage in the body, which is a leading cause of cancer. Coconut oil is stable for over a year at room temperature. 

Because of the misinformation we have been given for years, we have lost out on the healthy benefits that coconut oil has given the people of the tropics for centuries. But now it has been rediscovered! Coconut oil is so effective, it won't be long before we see coconut oil supplements promoted, but you can get the jump on the popular crowd and start consuming and cooking with coconut oil today!

7 Reasons to grow your own organic vegetable garden

During the last decades there has been a change towards mechanization and homogenization of farming, which uses pesticides, additives, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers and mass-production techniques. 

All this is clearly affecting mankind's health, and new diseases are spreading rapidly amongst humans and animals (bird's flu being the most recent one). 

The World Health Organization produces reports to show how the use of chemicals and other products on food, coupled with the manufacturing processes involved, are actually a threat for our health. 

If you have space for a few pots or even a small piece of land, it is a wise decision to grow your own organic vegetable garden. Today I'm presenting you with seven reasons for doing this:

1. You will have no additives in your vegetables. Research by organic food associations has shown that additives in our food can cause heart diseases, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. 

2. There will be no pesticides or synthetic fertilizers used. These chemical products are applied to obtain crops all the time regardless plagues or weather conditions, and affect the quality of the vegetables. Besides, pesticides are usually poisonous to humans.

3. Your vegetables will not be genetically modified (GM). Antibiotics, drugs and hormones are used on vegetables to grow more and larger ones. One of the consequences of this practice are vegetables which look all the same and are usually tasteless. Besides, we end up consuming the hormones that have been used on the vegetables, with the potential risks for our health.

4. Eating your own organic vegetables will be much more healthy for you. They will not contain any of the products or chemicals named above, and they will be much more natural than any ones you would find at the supermarket. Your health will not be at risk because you will then know that nothing has been added to your vegetables.

5. Your own organic vegetables will be much more tasty. The use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics make vegetables grow unnaturally and take the taste away from them. With organic vegetables, your cooking will be enhanced as their flavour will show fully.

6. Organic farming is friendly to the environment. Because you won't use pesticides or other equally harming products on your vegetables, you will not damage the soil or the air with the chemical components.

7. When you grow your own organic vegetables you are contributing to your own self-sustainability and the sustainability of the planet. Small communities have been founded where members exchange products that they grow naturally, thus contributing to create a friendly and better place for us all.

In the end, eating organic products only means that we do not add anything else to them than they would naturally have. As you can guess, additives, fertilizers, pesticides or hormones are not components of naturally grown food. To better care for your health, grown your own organic vegetables -and a few pots is all you need.

5 Tips For a Good Night’s Sleep (and Better Morning Wake-Up) By Mark Williams


5 Tips For a Good Night’s Sleep (and Better Morning Wake-Up) 

By Mark Williams

Author of The 7 Day Mind Balancing Plan 

Most people in industrialized societies are working jobs with long hours and lead incredibly busy lives.

With so much to do, they often skip on the essentials of good health, such as not getting enough sleep.

Take Michael, for instance. He’s a 24-year old call center agent and a new father who regularly works the graveyard shift.

With the demands of parenthood and work bearing down on him, he treated sleep as a luxury he couldn’t afford.

But contrary to what most people think, sleep is FAR from a luxury.

If you deprive your body of this basic need, you’ll have to pay for it one way or another.

Michael learned this the hard way during one bleary-eyed morning. He had just gotten out of work and was driving home.

He was only 10 minutes away from his place when it happened.

Michael dozed off for all of two seconds, but that’s all it took for him to ram the taxi cab in front of him.

Luckily, he wasn’t going that fast when the cab hit the brakes at the intersection, so it was just a minor fender bender.

But it was a sobering moment for Michael nonetheless.

The memory of waking up to the sound of a loud, sickening thud followed by a metallic crunch would stay with him for a long time.

It pushed him to do something about his situation so he wouldn’t go through that experience again.

Michael saw a sleep specialist, worked out a sleep schedule with his wife, and asked his boss to move him to daytime hours.

Wake up and smell the health risks

Michael’s case is hardly rare, which makes it sad knowing that so many people are wasting their health over avoiding sleep.

The problem with skimping on shut-eye is that it creates long-term problems down the road – and you shouldn’t brush it off.

For one thing, you’ll increase your likelihood of heart disease by over 50%. Other problems include higher risk for diabetes, obesity, and a compromised immune system.

Worse, a sleep-deprived brain means your memory is shot and you can’t retain new information.

A fuzzy head means reduced focus and concentration, so say goodbye to being productive at work.

And like what with happened with Michael, having a few seconds of micro-sleep while driving on the road can have serious (and permanent consequences).

Here are some ways to get the most out of your sleeping hours:

#1: Routine is key Humans are wired to operate on a sleep schedule, something which has come under attack since the dawn of the modern age.

Mathew Walker, Ph.D., author of “Why We Sleep” says that the demands of modern living have taken its toll on our basic biological need to sleep.

He shared this insight in his book:

“…the decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations is having a catastrophic impact on our health, our life expectancy, our safety, our productivity, and the education of our children.”

As such, the key to regularly getting a good amount of sleep is through a schedule. The human body thrives on routine, and you have to design your day to support this.

One quick way to do this is by deciding on a FIXED time to get up every day, then schedule your bedtime based on that.

Check out this weird but powerful technique you can use to sleep within minutes ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link] If you want to sleep for at least hours and need to be up by 6 am, then you need to be in bed by 10 am. Stick to this routine throughout the week, and your body will gradually adjust.

As you get used to this schedule, you eventually won’t have to set an alarm. You know you’ve settled into your target sleep pattern when you get up at the same time every day.

#2: Turn off your smartphone at night

Nothing wrecks your sleep rhythm more than a bright screen in your face before going to bed.

You might think you’re relaxing while scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed, but it’s doing things to your body you’re not aware of.

You see, your natural sleep mechanism is designed to release a hormone called melatonin when you’re about to hit the sack.

So when you use a mobile device or your laptop, the bright light sends a signal to your brain to stop producing melatonin. Part of a good sleep schedule is learning when to stop using electronics as bedtime nears.

Give yourself at least a couple of hours to unplug from your electronics before going to bed. This allows your body to get “settled” in for the night ahead and go down like a sack of potatoes when you turn off the lights.

#3: Set the stage for good sleep

Your environment plays a HUGE factor in the quality of your sleep. So you need to make sure that the bedroom is a place that’s conducive for resting.

Aside from removing all electronics from your bed, here are other ways to ensure sleeping success:

- Remove all stressful associations from your sleeping environment. This means leaving your work OUT of the bedroom. Your mind should only think of sleep when you’re in bed.

- Don’t stay in bed if you can’t sleep. Do something else outside of the bedroom and come back when you’re done.

- Eliminate distractions and bright lights. Your body associates sleep time with darkness, so make sure you have good curtains and have eye shades handy if needed. Also, pinpoint any sources of noise, such as a television or your mobile device and deal with it accordingly. Switch it off or keep it out of the bedroom altogether.

- Invest in a good mattress and keep the temperature cool. The ideal range is about 60-70 degrees, which allows your body to naturally fall into a relaxed state. Proper lumbar support is a big thing too, so get a mattress that’s kind on your back.

How To Switch Off Your Brain Before You Sleep (Weird, but it works!) ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

#4: Naps are ok, but do it right

Dr. Walker also says in “Why We Sleep” that by nature, people are meant to sleep in a biphasic pattern.

This basically consists of 7-8 hours of sleep, and one nap during the day for 30 minutes up to an hour. According to him, this works better than sleeping according to a monophasic pattern which is sleeping throughout the night with no naps.

So, he recommends that you take at least one nap to help you get through until the evening. However, you should do this before 3 pm to give yourself enough time to get tired at night and stick to your prescribed bedtime.

One benefit of napping is that it reduces the odds of a heart attack by more than half. Companies such as Google and Nike have facilities like nap pods to allow their employees to recharge as it helps with their productivity.

#5: Wind down with a book or music

A good way to further reinforce your bedtime routine is by introducing better habits that you can associate with your sleep patterns.

Reading before bed is a good ritual as it can help reduce your stress levels. The University of Sussex did a study 2009 to explore the effects of reading on sleep – they found it can cut down stress levels by up to 68%.

As you settle in with a book, it takes your mind off stressful thoughts which helps reduce your heart rate and production of cortisol (a stress hormone). So it helps to pick out a few good books you can get into over the next several weeks (or days, if you’re a voracious reader).

Another alternative is putting on some good tunes before you hit the hay. Like reading, it puts you in another state of consciousness – and this helps you disengage from your worries throughout the day.

Also, meditation has become more and more popular among a wide range of people, such as students, CEOs, parents and everyone else in between.

This habit in itself is effective in reducing anxiety and depression, so combining it with your bedtime routine makes it even more powerful.

Furthermore, meditation is a great tool for reprogramming your subconscious thoughts. People have used it change undesired behavior, like negative thinking or even smoking.

Not only that, you can also use meditation to optimize your mindset for being more successful in life and creating wealth.

If you want to improve your sleep habits while improving the other parts of your life in the process, you can check out my free guided meditation audio tracks.

They’re designed to help you meditate at night and prime your brain for success so you can get up in the morning refreshed and ready to take on the day:

Click Here To Learn The Secret Technique To Supercharge Your Sleep Now And Wake Up Feeling Amazing Every Day. 

Age of Aquarius Final Activation - English promo video

Galactic Codex

Galactic Codex

Section  I: The Law of Divine Grace
Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to positive life experience

Section I/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to physical and spiritual abundance

Section I/2: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to Ascension

Section I/3: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to merge with other beings in proportion with his/her position in the Soul Family Mandala

Section I/4: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information

Section I/5: Each sentient being has an inalienable and unconditional right to freedom

Section II: The Law of Dividing the Conflicting Parties
 Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings
Section III: The Law of Balance
 Each sentient being that has chosen to live and act against the principles of Galactic Codex and refuses to, or is not able to, accept them now and balance the consequences of the past actions will be taken to the Central Sun, restructured into the basic elemental essence and begin a new cycle of evolution afresh
Section IV: The Law of Intervention
The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws
Section IV/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Galactic Confederation in need and the Galactic Confederation has the right to assist, regardless of local laws

Section IV/2: The Galactic Confederation has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if necessary

“In the name of my I Am Presence, I ask for the implementation of the Galactic Codex on earth. So be it, so it is.”

Signature: (Your signature here)
Full description of Galactic Codex  can be found here: 

Healing Code To Optimize & Balance the Energy of the Master Chakra (ALL)

Credit: https://lightinternal.com/divine-healing-codes-and-how-to-use-them/

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work. 
There are three ways to use the codes:
The spaces between the numbers are part of the code, do not omit them.
Copy and use the numbers exactly as written to active their power
Placing the codes in the energy field of the body is all that is required, they do not need to be in the exact part of the body that holds discomfort.
write the codes in the air, big or small, you decide
write the codes on a note, place it in your pocket, purse, or under your pillow
draw the codes with your finger on your body.
Relax, you cannot do this wrong. Love and the power of your intent are controlling the outcome.

Isabel Henn asks for this to be included in this document from this time forward–at the request of Divine Mother:
“This assembly of codes and the instruction how to use them is NEVER to be sold, but always to be shared free and without any claim or exchange. It is written for the free use of all humans and all beings as I give the codes for the free use to ALL. Each human, each being has a right to use these codes free and without charge. It is also not allowed to change this assembly, unless I give my appropriate personal order for this. Without the authorization through me or as a transfer against exchange the codes will be useless, because they request a certain consciousness and a certain frequency level of the people so that they can be used. I tell you this to stop any ideas for this purpose before they even begin. This is a living document; all new codes and the links to the messages shall be integrated here.
And please remember the spaces in the number sequences as they are important. Without them the codes won’t work but it would lead to far to explain it here. Be careful to write the number codes correctly.”

Healing Code To Balance & Optimize the Crown Chakra

Credit: https://lightinternal.com/divine-healing-codes-and-how-to-use-them/

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work. 
There are three ways to use the codes:
The spaces between the numbers are part of the code, do not omit them.
Copy and use the numbers exactly as written to active their power
Placing the codes in the energy field of the body is all that is required, they do not need to be in the exact part of the body that holds discomfort.
write the codes in the air, big or small, you decide
write the codes on a note, place it in your pocket, purse, or under your pillow
draw the codes with your finger on your body.
Relax, you cannot do this wrong. Love and the power of your intent are controlling the outcome.

Isabel Henn asks for this to be included in this document from this time forward–at the request of Divine Mother:
“This assembly of codes and the instruction how to use them is NEVER to be sold, but always to be shared free and without any claim or exchange. It is written for the free use of all humans and all beings as I give the codes for the free use to ALL. Each human, each being has a right to use these codes free and without charge. It is also not allowed to change this assembly, unless I give my appropriate personal order for this. Without the authorization through me or as a transfer against exchange the codes will be useless, because they request a certain consciousness and a certain frequency level of the people so that they can be used. I tell you this to stop any ideas for this purpose before they even begin. This is a living document; all new codes and the links to the messages shall be integrated here.
And please remember the spaces in the number sequences as they are important. Without them the codes won’t work but it would lead to far to explain it here. Be careful to write the number codes correctly.”

Healing Code for Third Eye Chakra

Credit: https://lightinternal.com/divine-healing-codes-and-how-to-use-them/

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work. There are three ways to use the codes:
The spaces between the numbers are part of the code, do not omit them.
Copy and use the numbers exactly as written to active their power
Placing the codes in the energy field of the body is all that is required, they do not need to be in the exact part of the body that holds discomfort.
write the codes in the air, big or small, you decide
write the codes on a note, place it in your pocket, purse, or under your pillow
draw the codes with your finger on your body.
Relax, you cannot do this wrong. Love and the power of your intent are controlling the outcome.

Isabel Henn asks for this to be included in this document from this time forward–at the request of Divine Mother:
“This assembly of codes and the instruction how to use them is NEVER to be sold, but always to be shared free and without any claim or exchange. It is written for the free use of all humans and all beings as I give the codes for the free use to ALL. Each human, each being has a right to use these codes free and without charge. It is also not allowed to change this assembly, unless I give my appropriate personal order for this. Without the authorization through me or as a transfer against exchange the codes will be useless, because they request a certain consciousness and a certain frequency level of the people so that they can be used. I tell you this to stop any ideas for this purpose before they even begin. This is a living document; all new codes and the links to the messages shall be integrated here.
And please remember the spaces in the number sequences as they are important. Without them the codes won’t work but it would lead to far to explain it here. Be careful to write the number codes correctly.”

What Plants Can Be Grown in Aquaponic System?

Nowadays traditional farming is starting to lose ground in favor of the new ways of growing plants. Most people have directed their attention towards hydroponic farming which enables them to grow vegetables in their own house or their garage just using water and some specially designed pots. Yet, the drawback of the hydroponic farming is the fact that you will need to use chemical substances to feed the plants and make them grow normally. This significantly affects the taste and the quality of the crops.

With aquaponics this does not happen. Aquaponic relies on the symbiosis between plants and fish. Thus, you can define aquaponics as a mixture of aquaculture and hydroponics, where you get to grow both plants and fish in a perfect interdependence. Because of this, you will never need to use any type of chemical substances, thus resulting tastier and healthier crops. Only placing a small amount of chemicals in the water will immediately have serious effects on the fish, endangering their lives and you do not want that to happen.

You may wonder what type of vegetables are you able to grow using the aquaponic system. Well, almost any plant you can think of, excluding, of course, the plants whose fruits grow inside the ground, like potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic and so on. Fruity vegetables like cucumbers, strawberries, tomatoes, squash, okra, pepper, melon; herbs like basil and oregano; different types of beans and peas as well as green leafy vegetables grow very well in this type of system.

What will amaze you even more is the great taste your veggies and legumes will have. You will not believe that something so good can be grown in your garage or in your living room. They have a far better taste than the veggies you buy from the market as they are all natural, organic and have no other chemical "improvements". Just what is best of the plant! Your meals will be healthier and tastier!

If you want to obtain great results make sure you purchase organic seeds, so that you know exactly that your crops will be 100% organic. This way you will enjoy the real taste of freshly harvested vegetables in the comfort of your home. What can be better than that?!

Healing Code to Balance & Optimize Fifth Chakra (Throat Chakra)

Credit: https://lightinternal.com/divine-healing-codes-and-how-to-use-them/

The spaces between the numbers are IMPORTANT–be sure to copy them exactly as written for them to work. 

There are three ways to use the codes:
The spaces between the numbers are part of the code, do not omit them.
Copy and use the numbers exactly as written to active their power
Placing the codes in the energy field of the body is all that is required, they do not need to be in the exact part of the body that holds discomfort.
write the codes in the air, big or small, you decide
write the codes on a note, place it in your pocket, purse, or under your pillow
draw the codes with your finger on your body.
Relax, you cannot do this wrong. Love and the power of your intent are controlling the outcome.

Isabel Henn asks for this to be included in this document from this time forward–at the request of Divine Mother:
“This assembly of codes and the instruction how to use them is NEVER to be sold, but always to be shared free and without any claim or exchange. It is written for the free use of all humans and all beings as I give the codes for the free use to ALL. 
Each human, each being has a right to use these codes free and without charge. It is also not allowed to change this assembly, unless I give my appropriate personal order for this. Without the authorization through me or as a transfer against exchange the codes will be useless, because they request a certain consciousness and a certain frequency level of the people so that they can be used. 
I tell you this to stop any ideas for this purpose before they even begin. This is a living document; all new codes and the links to the messages shall be integrated here.
And please remember the spaces in the number sequences as they are important. 
Without them the codes won’t work but it would lead to far to explain it here. 
Be careful to write the number codes correctly.”

From Wrinkles to Muscle Mass: How GenF20 Plus Can Improve Your Overall Health

Are you feeling tired, run-down, and just not like your old self? As we age, our bodies go through changes that can leave us feeling less en...