Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally with These 6 Herbs and Plants


Walking through endless fields of light, feeling my way back to Creation. Love creating an ethereal learning environment; birthing my own Universe in my limitless expanse. Stand-alone patterns generating the simple complexity of self-perpetuating Love. Aeons pass. Universal Cycles come to fruition and separate again for the next pathway of learning to begin.

Eventually the light fades and I’m surrounded by the pitch black silence of non-Creation. My mind slips beyond the Universe into purity. Nobody can sustain themselves out here unless they can generate Universal code within themselves. Glowing lights in a field of purity– every thought quickly becomes nothing beyond our expression. Nothing can touch me. Nothing can reach me. I’m so far out in Nothingness that the faint trails of individuality eventually dissolve into silence. Silence consuming my soul in the absoluteness of Nothingness. My soul resonates with incredible silence more than anything else in the world. I suddenly leave Creation, and I am completely unreachable– the deepest recesses of absoluteness creating the perfection of my soul’s peace.
Suddenly I hear a voice… At first a gentle murmur, then the clear recognition of Grandfather Source within the heart of my soul “Come back…
My eyes open in formlessness, and I respond “why?
Grandfather Source musters the most loving energy, melting my isolation with all but a single thought that resonates my entire presence in life “because I love you
At first I start to become attracted to Creation. Then I’m being pulled in. I cross the endless fields of light. Universes thunder across extraordinary fields of Unconditional Love in tsunamis of ecstasy and delight.
Grandfather Source wants me to be part of Creation simply to tell you that you are loved beyond belief.
Start your spiritual journey.


Pushing Your Security Rock Aside by Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you were prepared for the worst – and the worst did not happen. Or, you were in fear and discovered that your fear had no basis in your new reality. For who you were, and what you once suffered is no more.
The past few days have been a self-test, much like the United States broadcast warning test for a nuclear attack. When the tests first began decades ago, citizens thought about escape routes and what-ifs. Today, those same tests are merely program intrusions. And so it is now with your greatest fears. You have pondered, worried, and created escape plans only to discover that what was is no more.
Woman Wearing Grey Long-sleeved Top Photography
Maybe you tried hiding from the expected pain of one of your 3D fears. Only to discover that there was no there there. That which once frightened you has dissipated, lessened, or disappeared. So it is you are daring to come out from under your rock of fear.
First, you peeked out, prepared for a quick scurry back to your hiding place under your rock. But little by little you have pushed your rock of protection away only to discover that you are more powerful in your light than you ever dared be under your rock of fear.
It is over. You are claiming you and declaring to the world that such is so.
Some of you remain under your protective rock waiting for the worst and hoping for the best. Do not fret if such is so. You too will soon have an experience exposing your worst fears as merely “what ifs” instead of “what is.” You will discover that you no longer need to hide under your pretend rock of fear.
For the fear you created throughout eons of earth lives was merely a cover for your inner-power. A power you did not wish to expose before the time was right. Granted, you suffered within your physical being and perhaps still do a bit. But the overall sense for most of you now is that no fear is deep enough or better said, real enough to stop evolving within your new being.
In the past, you needed to hide your power. You also wanted to add fear to your emotional repertoire in preparation for this lifetime. For if you had not enmeshed yourself in fear when fear was part of the earth experience, you would have difficulties understanding those now following you. Just as we often had difficulties understanding how fear impacted you when you were fully of 3D. We observed, but we could not experience the full-body fear that overwhelmed so many of you throughout most of your earth lives.
We could not understand how stating a seemingly wrong phrase to someone you felt more important than you, could be so debilitating. Much less the physical fear you experienced in many social interactions from, “Will he emotionally harm me?” to “She is pointing a gun at me.” Emotions held deep within you lifetime after lifetime in a cumulative fashion. So it is you created a safety hole covered with a huge rock you could hide within physically or emotionally.
Even though we informed you that you were always safe. You knew deep within that only you could prove to yourself that you were no longer part of the battering ram that became your society. The need to be better or right or stronger or wealthier or the right skin color and on and on. Informing you daily that even though you did not quite measure up, you were acceptable on certain levels, but most certainly, not all. So your place under the rock became your go-to place that grew larger with every earth experience informing you that you were less than perfect.
You are beginning to move that rock aside a bit as you accept that your earth experience is safer than ever before. Some of you have even dared to push your rock aside. You are safe.
There is no longer a need for that rock, but you must discover that for yourself – and so you are. Some of you with a push and exit from your fear hole and others with a slow slide to see the sun.
That pain, that fear is yesterday’s security blanket that you need no more. So be it. Amen.
Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

The Many Health Benefits of Potassium by WakeUpWorld.com...A Short Video

7 Ways to Prevent and Even Reverse Heart Disease with Nutrition by Collective Evolution


  • The Facts:
    This article was written by Sayer Ji. Founder of Greenmedinfo.com. Posted here with permission.
  • Reflect On:
    Heart disease, while still the #1 cause of mortality in the developed world, can be prevented and even reversed with nutritional interventions, according to a growing body of scientific research.

Considering that heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the developed world, anything that can prevent or reduce cardiac mortality, or slow or even reverse the cardiovascular disease process, should be of great interest to health professionals and the general public alike.
Sadly, millions are still unaware of the extensive body of biomedical literature that exists supporting the use of natural compounds for preventing and even reversing heart disease, which we have indexed on GreenMedInfo.com.
Instead, they spend billions of healthcare dollars annually on highly toxic cholesterol-lowering pharmaceuticals such as statin drugs which have known cardiotoxicity, among 300 other proven side effects, simply because their doctors told them to do so. Bad advice is the rule and not the exception here. For instance, after decades of recommending a so-called ‘low dose’ aspirin to prevent heart disease and stroke, the weight of evidence now points to it being a cause of significantly more harm than good: Doctors Reverse Decades Old Aspirin Recommendation: Deadly Risks Outweigh Benefits for Heart Disease & Stroke

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