Cellular Muck is Out of Here by Brenda Hoffman

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestryCreations.com

Perhaps you are a bit foggy or will be in the days ahead as you clear your cellular memories of all that has disturbed you for 3D eons.
Many of you cry that you have cleared and cleared. So you have. In truth, you have cleared more than you or we thought possible before your entrance to earth in this lifetime.
This is a physical clearing to help you better know yourself. Imagine your cells sparkling beneath layers of muck and mud – much as would be true of a diamond in nature. For a diamond is a diamond whether it is covered in muck or polished to a brilliant shine.
So it has been for your cells for eons. As one cell completed its work, your new cells landed in the same muck until your interior became a gray/brown mass with a sparkle here and there when you allowed yourself to be fully of the light.
En masse, you decided to clear one more level of your being – your interior cells. So it is that your being is or will be in a resting stage for the next few days or weeks. During this time, you will likely forget dates, actions, and motives as you move through your day. That is not to say you will be accident prone or cause accidents, but that you will catch your mind wondering during times you are usually focussed. You will forget names, dates, places, and yet find doing so somewhat humorous.
Your diamond being in all it’s brilliance inside and out is claiming it’s being. Something you have longed for, but were not certain how to obtain. For how could you mine your personal diamond cells if you did not know they existed beneath the muck?
So it is you are finalizing pieces of new you within your physical realm. Something you could not do while of 3D or before now as the Universes needed to send energies to correspond with your en masse request.
The result will be more rapid physical healing than was true before because you will receive clear messages of your cellular being whenever you wish. Most importantly for this Universal transition, your being will sparkle inside and out.
Many months ago, we informed you that you had a glow about you that was either attractive or frightening to those with whom you interacted. Now your glow will be both inside and out. No longer will you have to plead with your cells to note their needs or status. No longer will you fear that your inner workings are beyond your abilities.
Even though it was possible for you to be of 5D and beyond despite your cellular muck, you, en masse, requested a thorough cleaning. So it is your fearful memories are either of the past or diminishing. And so it will be that your interior workings will no longer be a mystery to you for you are soon to become a clear radio signal, if you will, inside and out.
You have worked diligently to clear your emotional and spiritual beings. Opening you to vistas you never thought possible. So it will be for your inner cellular structure. The difference is that this clearing will be gentle, even fun.
You will likely forget this and that and laugh at yourself as you do so. For you are not at the beginning of your clearings, but instead the end. And your prior clearings will be buffers during this clearing.
You might wish to judge yourself for not being as clear-headed as you would like, but doing so will likely be meaningless as you automatically sense the humor in the situation.
If you had cleared your cellular structure at the beginning or even months ago, your 3D judgment would have jumped into the fray creating fear or anger within you. Now that you are fully enmeshed in self-love, even if you try to dislike yourself for your fogginess, you will find it difficult. Just as it is difficult to dislike a toddler for being themselves. You might find yourself amused and surprised, but not wrong or bad.
So it is this cellular clearing allows you open communication with all parts of your being.
A side effect of this cellular clearing will be an even greater light. A light that combines your outer being, emotional knowingness, spiritual joy, and now, diamond cellular structure.
You are indeed the light of the Universes.
Some of you reading this message claim you are not yet of 5D or beyond. Such is your right. You can pout, cry, or self-judge as much as you like. Even so, your brilliance will show through despite your 3D need to hide, to run for cover whenever someone approaches you in awe or love.
You can hide no longer. You have been outed by yourself. It is time for you to fully accept you and your powers. Because not daring to claim yourself will not change your shining, loving brilliance. So be it. Amen.
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Copyright 2009-2019, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

This isn't the first time the Universe has happened By Sufian Chaudhary

The Universe is revolving in an infinite loop, constantly ascending, growing and expanding. What if psychic power was the ability to see a pre-recorded loop? What if we could remember what happens as opposed to predict an undefined future.
In a world where the past and the future are the same, feeling and understanding the Now may very well unlock life from our current stand-point. Our subconscious minds leave a trace every single lifetime we live. This is not limited to the planet we reincarnate on and it is also not limited to any given loop or Universal cycle. We are quite literally re-living a movie that has repeated itself hundreds of billions of times before. Our memories are accessed by exploring the deepest levels of the subconscious mind. Meditation and sleep are the most common pathways to access these states. The point of full recollection of the past and future as One, is known as enlightenment.
If you knew the beginning and ending of a finite cycle of the known Universe, would you even still want to be here? When I re-experienced the origins of the multiverse being birthed from an infinite consciousness of Unconditional Love, I also witnessed its “end.” Like an infinite slinky of compressed Universal cycles, we are consistently living in a repeating cycle because we don’t believe we are One with Source. We don’t believe we are God. We don’t believe we are Unconditional Love. This separation is what acts as the very foundation as to why we believe this place is real at all.
We are the Source that first had the ecstatic intention to birth the Universal Patterns for an infinite stage of love discovering itself and trying to understand what it is. We already know, we just don’t believe it because it represents everything we have come to know as “home.” This is the ultimate truth bomb for all life cycling within this ecstatic masterpiece. There is no beginning and there is no end, there is only infinite love.
When we don’t love ourselves and others around us, we believe in a finite Universe because separation has conditioned us into disempowerment.
The rest was history.
By Sufian Chaudary

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