How to Discover What Really Makes You Happy

Happiness is a journey and every good journey begins with a map. When you're on the discovery path to happiness, plotting your journey is just as important as the journey itself.

For some, it's a constant struggle for happiness. Even money, career, great relationships and good health don't live up to the task of making you happy, even though you expected it to.

When you're not happy even though you have everything you thought would make you happy, it's time to take a step back and get to know yourself.

When you know who you are, what your value system is and take notice of what fills you with emotions of joy and pleasant sensations, you'll be ready to plot your course to true happiness.

Getting to know yourself can be difficult. You've likely formed an opinion about yourself and what makes you happy, driven, sad, angry and self-confident. You may be surprised to find that what you thought was true isn't true at all.

Self-discovery can be a launching pad to happiness in your life. When you understand what you want out of life, who you're meant to be and your true purpose, you'll be well on your way to completing the circle of happiness.

Assessing various parts of your life can be helpful in determining your level of happiness. One way is to keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write down everything you're grateful for. It could be something as simple as a beautiful sunrise - or as serious as a positive health report.

How about your job? Are you happy with your career accomplishments or would a different route make you happier and more content? If you want to do more in that area, contemplate ways you could reach that goal. It's best to write these thoughts and actions down to have a clear and well-defined path.

Find your core values and you'll find the essence of your personality. If you're engaged in activities or have relationships with others who don't meet the criteria that exemplifies your true values, find a way to rid yourself of these negatives and surround yourself with positive people who adhere to those values you hold dear.

Assessing your health and physical well-being is another way to discover what makes you happy. If you lack discipline to exercise and stick to a healthy eating plan to regulate your weight and fitness, figure out how doing so will make you happy.

You will be more enthusiastic about becoming fitter and healthier if you know how those changes will affect your happiness quotient.

Begin today to allow yourself time to think about how you define happiness. When you're ready, begin the journey and change your path if needed.

You can find more tips, strategies and techniques to help boost your energy and relieve stress with the FREE Boost Your Energy Starting Now Kit at

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Rediscovering Yourself: Your Guide to Self-Improvement

Have you lost your way, drifting through the haze of life, living your life in never ending cycle, like you're stuck in a programming loop?

But it wasn't always like this, was it! You had a purpose once; something to look forward to, something to achieve in life, something to live for.

If you're truly looking to get back to the way things were, there is a way. Self-improvement is not an exact science. The approach that works varies with different individuals.

In our youth, we are bursting with energy where our emotions drive us to achieve the great and the good in our lives; both the negative and the positive feelings. As age progresses, and we cross into adulthood, a state of numbness settles in which shrouds our emotions from impacting our lives in any way. We become zombies.

To break free from this catatonic state, it is crucial that we get in touch with our inner self. How do we do that?

Its simple. Dream again!

Getting in touch with your emotions, even negative emotions like fear and guilt, can help motivate us to get our lives back in order. To help us rediscover our passion for all the good things this world has to offer, to gravitate us towards the goals we had buried inside us.

The fundamental question to address here is whether to focus on your passion or to do your duty and while we don't deny that our obligations are a priority in life such as our obligation to our families. To give time to our parents, our spouses and our children, our commitment to our career, to provide for that dependent on us and our responsibility as a member of our community. But these things does not necessarily mean that we forget to live.

A little kid lives in each of us. One who wanted to be an astronaut, an aircraft pilot or a fireman. Find that kid again. And while we cannot guarantee that all your dreams will come true, it will help you rediscover yourself.

There are few circumstances in life that you can change but keeping a positive mental attitude is the key to wade through these harsh waters. Once you're able to convince yourself that you're going to live life to the fullest, the task seems less like work and more like fun.

Always remember to find a release for the emotions bottled up inside you. It's better to explode rather than implode. An atomic bomb works on the principle of implosion. That will give you an idea of how dangerous it is.

On the other hand, if your emotions are spiraling out of control, it is also important to find ways to relieve that tension. Find activities you like, to release that pent up energy. Go to the gym, workout, get your body in shape, do sports, play a game of chess, write a novel, build a generator, design a house, run for President. Whatever takes your fancy. The world's your oyster.

And above all, remember to keep smiling. Life is a gift. You just have to unwrap it.

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The Chain of Human Command

Thoughts control words, words control actions, actions control outcomes. This is the chain of human command. The things that control your life today began as a simple thought of your own or someone else's, the rest is history. Hard to imagine isn't it? Something as innocuous as a thought became the commanding force that controls today and tomorrow. Thoughts either fuel the fire in your soul or become the assign of your hopes.

How powerful are thoughts? Take a moment to look at history; it records the results of thoughts that controlled countless lives. We have been treated to miraculous, awe-inspiring results that made our hearts soar. We witnessed 33 miners emerge from the bowls of the earth in Peru and passengers that seemingly walked on water on the Hudson River. We listened to faint voices of a man on the moon, followed by a space station named Hubble that became a helping hand to many around the planet. We watched medical miracles that restored life and even limbs and marveled at skill and technology that inspired all. These are powerful thoughts that fueled the fire of our souls.

The world has also witnessed the holocaust and many other horrors of dictators and perhaps leaders that were simply mad. We cringe from the atrocities in Syria and feel the despair of parents whose children die slowly in their arms from starvation. We have stared in dismay as the bodies of small children carried from school, victims of only one of the many senseless shootings and terrorism that have become commonplace in our lives. The list of revulsion's are endless. All began with someone's thoughts. They are not innocuous at all; they may be the most powerful force we encounter in life.

What can we learn from this? We can learn that hope must never be extinguished; it harbors the impossible being brought to fruition. We can learn that no dream is too extreme. We can be aware that surrendering to despair can lead to thoughts that became dangerous to ourselves and those around us. We learn that in order to live a life of victory, one where the people we love are touched by miracles, we must begin by harnessing our thoughts so that we control their outcome. We can become more aware of what those around us are thinking, of what they believe, and choose wisely who we will share our lives with. Their thoughts and beliefs can easily manifest and control our lives.

It is important to look at the past to see the absolute results of how this works. We should never consult our past to determine our future. We must move on from people, attitudes and ideas that embrace thoughts that have been recorded in the history of horror. What's possible in your life; it's determined by one question. What do you think?

To learn more about this author please visit To learn more about her available books, please visit or your favorite bookseller.

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Message From the Universe: Your Time Has Come and It Looks FABULOUS

"So what if it takes a long time?

So what if it's already taken longer than you thought?

So what if it will still take longer?

The day will nevertheless arrive, as it always does, when all your prior efforts, determination, and persistence will seem a paltry price indeed as you are lifted irrevocably higher, as if by chariots of fire, into realms previously unimagined, and then you'll think to yourself, "Wow, that was fast."

I can hear the music now, 

The Universe"

This post of the Universe gave me chills as I read it. Many have told me how my posts inspires them during difficult moments in their lives. These interpretations are written from the heart, because I have somewhat of a deep connection with my spiritual self. Being self-aware of who I am and what I can do in my life is crucial to understanding how others suffers.

Everyone you will cross in your life should be spoken with respect as many are battling difficult challenges in their lives. You might come across someone who looks and sound very calm from the outside but is dealing with a lot in the inside. Never judge a book by its cover. We all work very hard to achieve excellence, financial freedom, successful relationships, either business or personal, optimal health and so on and so forth. Time is a crucial element for all this to happen.

The Universe understands your hard work but don't blame it for throwing you a few jabs to test you. Yes, these jabs might hurt and in most cases, they do. However, will you let life put you down and keep you there permanently or will you fight back and work harder? Who is smarter? Who is more determined? Hopefully you. So, what are you going to do today to make all this happen?

"The space-time continuum is a mathematical model that joins space and time into a single idea. This space-time is represented by a model where space is three-dimensional and time has the role of the fourth dimension" (Wikipedia). If that is the meaning of Time and space, so why do we all compress it into that ONE idea, that ONE thought that can control your present and future.

The key here is to possess the right attributes that will guarantee your success in life. Having passion for what you do, determination, burning desire, persistence, ambition is what you need to tell life to go screw itself and you not being deterred by any obstacles or challenges you will face during your journey.

Your time will come to shine and take pride of what you've accomplished. This time is around the corner, the fourth dimension is showing its face. You need to realize that it takes effort and energy to fight for what you want and not let anything stop you. There is nothing worst than regretting not doing the things that you believe in.

Focus on your path and I can promise you that the Universe will clear the path and will allow you safe heaven towards your destination.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


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